graphic rant

      Graphically, who am I? Perhaps I can best be defined by what is important to me in design.

      Color, of course. The right combination of colors say so much before even words reach our audience. Take this page for instance. Before you have read a word about me, you have taken in the color here. With white text in a black table, set into a noisy green, but noninstrusive background, with amethyst accents, I am trying to tell you that I creative, I am strong, and I reach into the past for my inspirations. I am also trying to tell you what I think is beautiful.

Other situations will require different palettes. A business will need a white background with bold, foreground colors. White is professional. Black type. A contrasting color carefully chosen to reflect the company's mindset. Green if they are trying to be organic. Red if they are trying to get your attention. Etc, etc. I could go on forever.


home.gif - 2kb