
Hi all! Well I finaly got this story section up! Bet you thought it would be forever before I would get this up and YOU WERE RIGHT! ^_~ Seriously though I would like you to explore and make yourself at home! Untill then, Watch your tut!


Presly- Hi-ya! Whoa! Wha! huh! *ooff*

Armon- Be patient my prince,*chuckle* nothing comes to you with-out practice!

Presly- I know but I really want to impress Cynthia! She's going out with this guy who can do any kind of selfdefense!

::Nefertina and Ja-Kal walk in::

Nefertina- Whats up guys?

Armon- I am teaching the young prince some new self defense moves.

Ja-Kal- My prince there is a new exhibit from Egypt at the mueseum.The magic box says it's from an unkown tomb.Has your mother said anything about it?

Presly- Actuly Ja-Kal she hasn't.::looks puzzled:: To honest this is the first I've heard of it!

Nefertina- You don't think it's a trick do you? I mean Scarab wouldn't be behind this?

Ja-Kal- I don't know, but we'd better check this out.Nefertina get Rath and Lyris we may need them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

AT the Mueseum.....

:: Men are moving Sarcoughigi's into the Meusuem::

Amanda-Watch it! Be careful! No not there! Look out we don't want to damage them anymore than they are!

Professor- Amanda! For heavans sakes these men are professionals! They know what they're doing.

Amanda- The only clue we have about these is a small piece of the sarcoughigi with the name 'Nefer' something! Thats all! Other than that they are both in great condition! No cracks in them,but most of the symbols have worn away!

Professor- Amanda when will you learn to relax?::grins:: Everything will be fine.

Amanda- ::frowns:: We've got to be ready by Wednsday! Thats in two days!

Professor- It will be.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later after the mueseum closes....

Nefertina- I wonder who they are?

Ja-Kal- Who?

Nefertina- The mummies.

Lyris- I don't know but from what the magic box said it sounds like some one semi important!

Nefertina-::pulls the Hot Ra to a stop behind the mueseum:: Everybody out!

Ja-Kal- Armon hand me the grapling hook, and stand back.

::on top of the roof::

Lyris- Okay it should be around there,or at least close to it.Open the window carefully Rath! Remember they put that new alam system in!

Rath- I know what I'm doing! *hmph* After all I am the royal scribe.

Lyris- ::mumbles:: Men!

Rath- I heard that!

Ja-Kal- Stop arguing you two! Lyris you'll go first then Nefertina and so on. And stick together! Remember this could be a trap.

Scarab- Your so perseptive Ja-Kal really!:: motions shabtiis to attack:: Shabtiis stop them from getting to the sarcoughigi!

All Mummies in unison- WITH THE STRENGTH OF RA!;;instantly the mummies are transformed into their armor::

Ja-Kal- Sorry Scarab, but we're going to get the sarcoughigi's!::smashes two shabtiis charging him::

Scarab- You're to late I've already brought one back!::laghs evily:: Rakmire attack!

::From the shadows a low evil growl comes::

Rakmire-With pleasure Scarab! :: pounces on Ja-Kal and Armon,and throws them into the other mummies::

Rath- Look out-*ooff*

Lyris-::gets up a little dazed:: Thanks for the warning Rath.::in a sarcastic tone of voice::

Scarab- Retreat my shabtiis! We've got what we wanted.

Rakmire- But...

Scarab-I'll explain later,quickly the police will be here soon!

::sounds of sirens quickly wake the mummies up and they to retreat to the safety of the shadows::

Ja-Kal- We will finish this another time Scarab!

::Police come and swarm the mueseum::

Bob-I missed the the action again!

Joe-Ah come on lets file a report and clean this up.

Bob- It was the mummies I tell you! They were here they had to be!

Joe- Uh sure Bob. I'll take it from here you go home and get some rest. I think you've been watching to many horror movies again.

Bob- I have not! Really...::fades off::

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the spinx...

Ja-Kal-Rath go through your scrolls there has to be something about A Rakmire!

Rath- I've already gone through them there's nothing about him.

Nefertina-Why would Scarab bring back a nobody? It's just not like him! Lyris- I agree with Nefertina it definatly isn't like him but-

Ja-Kal- I've got it!

::Other mummies jump at the sudden out-burst::

Nefertina- What is it Ja-Kal?

Ja-Kal- Do you remember my friend and my wifes helper Nefertiti?

Nefertina- Yes! She was so nice and a friend to us all. I remember when she would ask me to take her to the market sometimes.

Rath- She would sometimes study and learn my magic! And she was a quick learner too!

Lyris- I remember when she would sometimes sneak in the young princes room just to hear some of my stories.

Armon-::not wanting to be left out said:: I taught her egypt-su! Although she would not use her ful strength she could pin me to the ground! But then when it happend everything wasn't the same with-out her. ::in a sad voice::

Ja-Kal- Yes what happend was unfortunate, but she had worked with a man named ::puases:: Rakmire>

Armon-::clenches fists:: He was the one who killed her and her sister!

Ja-Kal- Yes now I know who Scarab brought back now! He plans to try to get presly with Rakmire! She tried to warn me that Scarab and his followers were planning to kill the prince.

::Other mummies gasp in shock::

Ja-Kal- ::lowers his head:: I thought she was ill and didn't heed her warning.

Rath- So if Scarab brought Rakmire back-

Nefertina-:: Cuts Rath off:: She might be in the other sarcoughigi!

Rath-I was going to say that if you hadn't cut me off!

Armon-Well what are we waiting for? Lets bring her back! She might be able to help us.

Rath- for once Armon you are using your brain.

Ja-Kal- Lyris go gaurd the prince we still don't know what Scarab is up to. The rest of you come with me.

Lyris- I'm on my way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the Mueseum....

Armon which one is hers?

Ja-Kal- This one is ::points to a sarcoughigi that has a black panther on it:: see it says Nefer on it.

Rath-::chants:: Spirit of Nefertiti come back to protect your prince, he needs you.

::a soft yellow glow surrounds the sarcoughigi, just the lid flies off::

Ja-Kal- Stand back!

::A figure wearing black panther armor springs out of the sarcoughigi::

Figure-::growls:: Who are you? Where am I?

Ja-Kal- Nefertiti? It is me Ja-Kal.

Nefertiti- Ja-Kal? What has happend?::takes off top of armor to reveal a pretty but confused face::

Nefertina- It's a long story but we will tell you all. However we'd better get your sarcoughigi back to the spinx.Come we will fill you in on the way.

Nefertiti- Your a woman?

Nefertina- If you think this is a surprise wait till you see the chariots!

* * * * * * *Back at the spinx...* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nefertiti- Wait! Hold on! Your telling me that I'm back after 3,500 years!

Nefertina-I know it's a lot to take in but thats what has happend.

Nefertiti- Well I guess this is home, but where is the prince I thought he would be here?

Lyris is watching him at his house,but you will see him in the morning.But for right now you will need to recharge.


Armon- Yeah, you need to recharge so you can transform and beable to recharge so you can protect the prince from Scarab and Rakmire.

::Nefertiti stopped in her tracks::

Nefertiti-::in a concernd voice:: Rakmire is back too?

Ja-Kal- Uh yes, we were going to tell you after you'd rested.

Nefertiti- What about my sister? Does Rakmire and Scarab have her?

Armon- Yours and Rakmires sarcoughigi were new in the mueseum.

Nefertiti-At least I know she is safe from them for now.

Ja-Kal- Come let us all rest we've all had a long day.

* * * * * * * * *The next day * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rath- Has anyone seen my scroll of the cats eye?::looks through scrolls and sorting things on his desk::

::Lyris and Presly walk in::

Lyris whats all the commotion about?

Rath- One of my scrolls is missing.

Nefertiti- No it isn't Rath, I've got it.

Rath-You!? Why would you want my scroll?

Nefertiti- Well I thought we could see what Rakmire is up to.

Presly- Wow! Who are you?

Nefertiti- My prince!::makes a low bow to Presly::

Presly- No!ugh. I hate when you guys do that! Look I'm just an ordinary kid.

Nefertiti- I'm Nefertiti. I was your friend and I took care of you when you were sick.

Presly- So I guess it was you guys who broke into the mueseum and stole the new mummy.

Ja-Kal- Did you sleep well my prince?

Khati purrs loudly, then jumps into Nefertiti's arms::

Nefertiti- Khati! Oh I missed you too!::strokes the soft fur on the cat::

Presly- Gee, I've never seen Khati take to some one like that before! Oh,speaking of animals, I was wandering if you guys could take me to the zoo?

Ja-Kal- We are honored to do so my prince.

Nefertiti- A zoo?

Presly- Yeah it's a place where they keep animals caged so people can see them.

Nefertiti- How cruel! Those poor animals.

Presly-Oh don't worry they take very good care of them there. It's kind of a second home to them.

Nefertiti- I'm sorry my prince but would you mind if I stay here? I don't like to see things caged up.

Presly- No problem Nefertiti, it took these guys a while to adjust to it here.

Ja-Kal- Lyris can stay with you and show you around.

Lyris-Sure!::smiles at Nefertiti::

* * * * * * * * * * * * At the Zoo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Presly- Wow! Look at all the food the elephants eat!

Nefertina- Yeah,::chuckles:: it looks like Armon eating a Light Snack!

Armon- Speaking of food where is the concession stand? I'm starved!

Presly- Oh no Armon! We are just here to see the animals! We will eat lator.

Armon- But I'm really hungry!::sees a concession stand::

Armon-Mmmm! Hotdogs!::sniffs the air::

Presly- Where's Armon?::looks around::

Rath-There he is!

Armon- Uh merchant I would like a hotdog.

::Shabtii dressed as the merchant turns around and hits Armon hard:::

Armon- Whoa-ooff!

Scarab- I new you would turn up sometime Ja-Kal. Shabtiis attack!

Nefertina,Rath,Armon,Ja-Kal- WITH THE STRENGTH OF RA!::mummies transform into their armor::

Ja-Kal- Get the prince to safety!::shoots flaming arrows at three oncomming shabtiis::

Scarab- Rakmire get me the boy!

Rakmire-::dressed in lion armor:: No problem Scarab.

Presly- Oh man, not again!::dodges a shabtii::

Rakmire-::comes up behind Presly:: You won't escape so easily from me.::grabs Presly::

Nefertina-No!::runs and tries to get Presly::

Rakmire- Foolish woman!::shoots a blast of magic at Nefertina::

Armon-Nefertina!::tries to get to his fallen friend but several shabtiis tackle him::

Rath- Ja-Kal we need help!

* * * * * * * * * Back at the spinx * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nefertiti and Lyris see their amulets glowing::

Lyris- The others need our help!

Nefertiti-But how will we get to them in time?

Lyris- Rath is going to be mad but its our only choice!::looks at the Jet-cycle:: Nefertiti-::gets on behind Lyris:: Are you sure you can drive this?

Lyris- Yes. I've done this before.::Starts bike then adds:: Twice.


Lyris- Hold on!

* * * * * * * * * * * * At the zoo * * * * * * * * * * * *

Scarab- Now before I destroy you, you will watch your prince suffer!

::the sound of a motor cycle gets close::

Scarab- What in the western gate?

::The Jet-cycle crashes through a gate of shabtiis::

Lyris and Nefertiti- WITH THE STRENGTH OF RA!

Nefertti-::Dressed in black panther armor:: Let my prince go!::takes out hidden daggers::

Scarab- Do you really think you can beat me simpletons?

Nefertiti- ::growls:: You'd be surprised at what simpletons can do!::chants a spell and the doors to the wild cats cages fly open:: Help us my furry friends!

Scarab- Whats going on?

Nefertiti- Lyris get the others untied I'll keep Scarab busy.

::The wild cats attack the shabtiis and give Lyris enough time to free the others::

Nefertiti- Now it's my turn!::Leaps onto Rakmire sending Presly flying into the air::

Ja-Kal- My prince! ::flies up and catches Presly::

Presly -Thanks Ja-Kal I thought I was a gonner!

::Lyris and Nefertiti smash some shabtiis charging them::

Scarab- Retreat my shabtiis! I'll get you Rapsees make no mistake about that!

Armon-::smashes two shabtiis attacking Rath and acidently hits Rath in the process:: Uh sorry Rath.

Ja-Kal- I think thats the last of them.But where is Nefertiti and Rakmire?

Presly look over there!::points to a small building's roof:: They're up there!

Rakmire-Join me Nefertiti! We will share emense powers and you and I will be as we were 3500 years ago!

Nefertiti-Never! The man I loved was killed by greed and power you are nothing like the man I once knew!::slashes at him with daggers::

Rakmire-::frowns:: You will be mine wether you like it or not!

Nefertiti-::sees a beam being held up by a rope:: Dream on!::throughs a dagger at the rope sending the beam falling on Rakmire::


Nefertiti-::turns around to see Nefertina and Lyris standing a few feet away::It is done.::looks sadly down::


Nefertiti-I'm okay. Hows the prince?

Ja-Kal-He's fine lets go home we've had a rough day.

::After the mummies leave the ruble::

Rakmire-::in a weak voice::I will get you Nefertiti!

* * * * * * * * * * Back at the spinx * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lyris-Are you okay Nefertiti?

Nefertiti- Yes I was just thinking about the past.::looks away::

Armon-Here!::shoves a sandwich in her face:: Eat this it will make you feel a lot better!

Nefertiti-::laughs:: No thanks Armon I'll be okay.

* * * * * * * * * That night * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

::after the mummies have gone in their sarcoughigi's. Nefertiti creeps out into the garden Rath made for Lyris::

Nefertiti- Someday we will be together again my sister, until then I will be a cat that walks alone.


This page is dedicated to those cool people of DIC. And We all hope to see another season of Mummies Alive! The characters Nefertiti, Rakmire, and Amyaton are owned by me. Lyris is owned by that nifty and very cool goddess Mia! If you want to use these characters please ask us before you use them! ^_~

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