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Sigourney Weaver Campaigns For Refugees
SIGOURNEY WEAVER is the latest Hollywood star to turn to journalism to get her voice heard. Beach, The (2000) star LEONARDO DiCAPRIO crossed over to the press line when he campaigned for the environment by interviewing PRESIDENT CLINTON and writing an article for TIME magazine. Now Weaver, who serves on the board of directors of the LAWYERS COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, has written an article in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, campaigning for better treatment for refugees. In the article, the Alien (1979) star, describes the case of an Afghanistan-born doctor who was tortured and thrown into prison for violating Taliban edicts by touching a female patient, whose life he saved. The doctor refereed to as DR. X, eventually escaped to America where, on his arrival, he was thrown into jail by immigration. Weaver says, "People like Dr. X deserve better treatment, and that's why I believe it's time we change the rules. "The Refugee Protection Act introduced in November would help restore fair treatment to refugees seeking asylum. It deserves our support."
Sigourney Insisted On Being Blonde
Source: WENN, 28 April 2000
SIGOURNEY WEAVER says it was her idea to dye her hair blonde for a recent role. Twenty one years after making a splash as ELLEN RIPLEY in Alien (1979), the 51-year-old actress was overjoyed to shed her tough image for Galaxy Quest (1999) and wanted to add her own touch. Sigourney says, "I've been dying to go to space in a comedy for a long time. I was surprised the movie makers even asked me, as I'm so identified with a different kind of science fiction. But it was my idea to play her as a blonde in a catsuit." She adds, "Playing Ripley, I always had to look like I knew what I was doing and that I was somewhat brave when really I wasn't... This comedy character is much closer to what I'm really like."
Source: WENN, 19 April 2000
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