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This masterpiece opens with the colony of Ant Island rushing to get a food offering ready for a band of mean grasshoppers. (It's all in the adjectives.) Our unlikely hero, Flik, tries to help by inventing a harvesting machine, but instead he ends up spilling all the food the colony worked so hard to get into the river. When the grasshoppers, led by the AWESOME Hopper, find there is no food offering, they are, needless to say, displeased. So is the Queen and her uptight daughter, Atta. When the grasshoppers double the order of food, the royal council decides Flik must be punished. But at the coucil meeting, they get a better idea- send Flik across the river to Bug City to enlist the help of "warrior bugs" to fight off the grasshoppers. Actually, this is Flik's idea, but they figure if he's off the island a few weeks they can collect as much food as they need without Flik messing anything up. They never expect him to actually find anyone, so they're a little surprised when Flik returns with several bugs. Only these guys are not warriors. Just your average, run-of-the-mill, circus bugs. Only Flik doesn't know it. All he knows is how proud of him the colony will be. All these lovable performers know is that they got this wonderful job to entertain a few harmless grasshoppers. It doesn't take long for them all to find out the truth, and for Flik to realize he is doomed. ^.^

Of course there's more to the movie, but having me write it out makes a plot spoiler for you and more work for me. :D So just go rent it today. Guaranteed to be there.

Of course, what I just told you was the final draft of A Bug's Life. *beam* Click here to see the original story treatment.

Not that I play favorites, but...this character is my favorite. ^.^ Flik is a citizen of Ant Island. He's always running around with about a million ideas in his head, and it shows. Creative, smart, and quite foxy in my opinion. *grin* Also, he is a sweetie. And he likes Princess Atta. Voice of Dave Foley :D

Flik and Dave: The Freakish Theory


Atta is the pretty princess next in line to be pretty Queen, and in the movie she's already training for the job with her mother. Who is the Queen. ;p She wants to be the best queen she can be, but of course it isn't easy, especially in the situation she happens to be in. She's uptight and stressed to the fullest. Poor Atta. She'll do anything for the colony, and is vonderful. :) (Am I the only one who thinks it's horribly unfair that she doesn't have her own video cover?) Voice of Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Who doesn't think Dot is so cute she's made 'cute' a species? She may be small, but don't be fooled. She tough, a fighter for the good, a pioneer in...grasshopper...bashing...or something... Anyway, like Flik, she wants to prove herself to everyone, make her mark in the world. And like Flik, in the end, she does. Voice of Hayden Panettiere.

Can't help but love Hopper. He's the leader of the grasshopper gang that's always hassling Ant Island. His very name strikes fear into the heart of an ant - BAM! Fear! He's no idiot and knows full well that the ants are much stronger than they think they are. He also knows that they can never figure that out, or his power over them will be gone shortly thereafter. He's got a scar over one cloudy yellow eye, a result of a dangerous meeting with a bluejay. Voice of Kevin Spacey

The Cirus Bugs

Denis Leary

Francis is a tough *male* (Male. Male. He's MALE) ladybug who is continuously mistaken for a female. To compensate, he makes a real effort to be a tough guy. He seems gruff, but his soft side almost always wins him over. A nice bug, overall.

David Hyde Pierce

Slim is a witty walking stick. (Tongue twister?) He works as a clown in P.T. Flea's circus, yet he hates always being cast in shows as some kind of stick figure. He'd rather do some real acting and be given a more serious role. Silly stick. :D

Joe Ranft

I will NOT call Heimlich gluttonous, but...he is always eating. :D He's apparently German, and quite the sweetie. ^.^ In the movie, he couldn't wait to be a beautiful butterfly. And I felt kind of bad for him -- did you see his wings? He seemed happy, though. :)

Michael McShane

First of all, Tuck is the one with a unibrow and Roll has two eyebrows. They don't speak any English, so no one can ever tell what they're fighting about when they are fighting - which is most of the time. They're funny, but they're always firing everyone. O.o

- Voice of Bonnie Hunt

- Voice of Brad Garrett

Rosie is a black widow and Dim is a dung beetle, and they are a superb team. Rosie is Dimmy's trainer. She's kind and gentle, and as a result, so is Dim. Dim is kind of dim. As in, he's not quite as sharp as the others. :) He looks big and scary, but there's no need to fear him. Nice bugs. :9

Jonathan Harris

Madeline Kahn

Manny is a elderly (will I get in trouble for calling him elderly? ^.^;) praying mantis, and Gypsy is his beautiful gypsy moth wife. (And I must say that Manny is quite shrewd, considering the fact that when mantids are done mating, the female eats the male.) Together they perform a magic act in P.T.'s flea circus.

P.T. Flea - John Ratzenberger

He is...the great...PT Flea! Well, so he thinks. :D P.T. is the owner of that flea circus I've been talking about. The poor guy will do just about anything to keep his circus alive (including inflicting bodily harm on himself). He also has a one-track mind: Money. I like the little boingy sound he makes when he hops around. ^.^

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