Links to my favorite sites and Saving Private Ryan sites ac across the Internet. Be sure to check all of these sites out.

SPR fans since 13 November 1998.

My first web page dedicated to movies and actors. This includes my personal feelings on actors and actresses like Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Will Smith and Will Ferrell. It also has reviews on movies such as Goodfellas and Trainspotting.

The Supreme Choad of Vega Page, for all us Choads out there. My second page

Choad Central More about choads from the Supreme Choad of the Milky Wah

THE movie database page.This page has a complete listing of movies and their cast from 1890-2000. Want to know who's in what movie and what movies your favorite star in going to be in, check here.

Moviesounds pageSound clips from your favorite movies

USA Online

My Good Will Hunting Page

My Star Wars Episode 1 Page Just finished. I really think that it is pretty good. Check it out.

Saving Private Ryan Links

A pretty decent look at SPRPretty descent page, remember there are not a lot of SPR pages yet

Saving Private Ryan PageLots of pics and other neat stuff. This is not the official page, but they claim that it is.

An amazing SPR web page.Lots of good stuff, not lots of pics, but well organized. This administrator is a real cool guy and is helpful with the making of mine.

Captain Miller Picture Page-This is where I got 18 of my pics and she has some more that I didn't choose to use. Contains nothing but pictures.

Barry Pepper Page for all of you people who thank me for including Barry in my Bio page.

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