Welcome to World O' Winslet! I made a special e-mail account just for WOW's site matters. Please don't send e-mail to katefan4ever@hotmail.com anymore. Use our new one, worldowinslet@hotmail.com. Thanks. Oh, and I'd love to hear from anyone interested in hosting my site on their domain. *g* Geocities is terrible lately and I don't care to move my site to the other providers because frankly, I dislike most of them anyways. So, PLEASE let me know if you are interested. Thanks again!
---{--@ ~*Luna-Rose*~ @--}--- July 24 - I added a rumor to the Winsletian Times section. If you have any news
This World O' Winslet site is © (1999) of Farron Lucas. All rights reserved. I am not Kate Winslet! Please do not send me emails thinking I am. This site is for fan purposes ONLY!