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Hello! Glad to see you here with us! We hope you've enjoyed the page so far, we're just relaxing here after a hard day's work. Oh, yes, since you're here, why not tell us about your visit here so far? It's always nice to listen to other peoples' views about something. We're hoping we can improve this place from your feedback too. Ah... but just to remind you, there are some things we won't do, nor can the RanMaFan do, so please don't be angry! Come on then, sit down with us and tell us about this page.
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The Feedback Area

How do you like my page?
It Sucks!
I've seen better.
Ok, not bad.
Great Page!
One of the BEST pages I've visited!

Is there any particular section(s) you like?
(Please fill in either 1 of the last 2 options, or as many of the others.)
My Index Page
My Fan Arts page.
My Fan Fiction page.
My YKYBRTMAMGW.... page.
My Links page.
My What's A!MG? Introduction Page.
My Main Characters Page.
My FAQ & Case Studies Page.
My Ah! My Goddess in Singapore Page.
My What's New? and Drawing Board Page.
My Dedications Page
My About Myself page.
My Pictures Archive
My Persona Pairup Page!
The other stuff on my page.
My entire page needs improvement.
My entire page really deserves a Megami-sama and not me.

How did you find my page on the Web?
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By other means. (Specify)

Finally, please answer these questions.
- Is there anything I can improve on on my page?


- Is there anything I should take out/add in?


- What pages do you think are well done?


- Is there anything else you wish to comment on about my page?

- If you think I should improve it, please tell me how and where to improve. Praise my page to the sky or Flame it to the ground, feel free to write! If you want more options in the voting segment, do so! But be reminded I can't make *everything* happen. Gomen. /_\u

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The Voting Page!
(Note : I have decided to suspend this page until further notice. Sorry)

Favorite Couple in Ah! My Goddess? (Type in any two names, but you are not allowed to enter yourself. ^_^)

Favorite Human Character in Ah! My Goddess? (Pick a Male and Female)
Males :

(Please Name the Other Character) 
Females :

(Please Name the Other Character) 
(Chieko's in it 'cuz she was a human once!)

Most hated Male Character in Ah! My Goddess?

(Please Name the Other Character) 
(Banpei's in it 'cuz he's referred to as kun!)

Most hated Female Character in Ah! My Goddess?

(Please Name the Other Character) 

Who're your 2 Favorite non-mortals? ^_^

(Please Name the Other Character) 

(Please Name the Other Character) 

Who's your Favorite Angel?

If you could marry one of them, who'd you marry?

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