Darlene's Directory


  Darlene's Corner

Dear Friends:
Thank you so much for all the letters and e-mail that you have sent.

The love and support that comes from you is such a miracle in my life,
and very deeply appreciated.

I hope this season of love and joy fills you with the same and that your hopes
and dreams for the New Year all come true.

God bless you all,

~ Darlene ~




Darlene's MySpace

  Do It For Johnny

                {Fascinating odyssey - Johnny Depp}

Darlene's Biography

.. Scrapbook Images

.. Scrapbook Images 2

John Racyn Jr.'s "From The Heart"

   "Always Know"
Poem by Laura Joyce

... Darlene Cates and the Making of,
"What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1)

...Darlene Cates and the Making of,
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (2)

...Ministry Video Available

..What's Eating Gilbert Grape

...Touched By An Angel




Thanks are due tohttp://guestbook.pax.nu/for providing the guest book!