Welcome to my Guestbook!

- 06/17/99 06:11:41

person from nowhere - 06/04/99 23:44:04
great site!

Majoy Da Great - 06/04/99 10:50:19
My URL:http://help.me.build.one.okay.janet.i.would.build.a.homepage.for.conceited.people.a.k.a.tayo:)
My Email:ctoledo@info.com.ph
Age: 15
Gender: sometimes girl, sometimes...um....bahala ka!
hi janet!!!! o, natupad na ang promise ko sa iyo! 10 minutes na ba? ano ba iyan!!!! bakit wala kang um....background??? but you have a great page. pero it would look better pag nilagay mo ang piccie namin :). so, did the computer classes paid off? i think so. buhayin mo itong homepage na ito okay? i could help you, y'know! i could encourage you, i could scan stuff...pero hanggang doon na lang siguro....o paano...keep up the good work! um...shaughnessy forever? di! friends forever!!! kita kits na lang tayo a school!!! Majoy

Math- Rix - 05/29/99 01:31:42
My Email:I dunno, you tell me
Age: hmmm...

Jaananebenet, nice webpage, dahling!!! Congratulations! I was so touched by your "ack!-nowlegements"... I know you wouldn't forget me, even if I didn't help you in anyway, and tried to annoy you even. You love me so much!!!!Ü So anyway, have fun there in Baguio, sorry if I forgot to call you last night. Basta yon, Ingat ka or something. WHATEVER!!!! Your webbie is really great!!!!! Kep Ap Da Gud Wurrrrk!!!!!! Math- Rix (You know me, dahling!)

Math- Rix - 05/29/99 01:31:17
My Email:I dunno, you tell me
Age: hmmm...

Jaananebenet, nice webpage, dahling!!! Congratulations! I was so touched by your "ack!-nowlegements"... I know you wouldn't forget me, even if I didn't help you in anyway, and tried to annoy you even. You love me so much!!!!Ü So anyway, have fun there in Baguio, sorry if I forgot to call you last night. Basta yon, Ingat ka or something. WHATEVER!!!! Your webbie is really great!!!!! Kep Ap Da Gud Wurrrrk!!!!!! Math- Rix (You know me, dahling!)

Cindy S. - 05/28/99 23:13:46
My URL:http://welcome.to/antonia
My Email:female
Age: 18 (almost 19)
URL: http://welcome.to/antonia
email: cindysluyts@yahoo.com

Another great page about the man who's too gorgeous for words!!! :)) Keep up the good work!! :))

Cindy S. - 05/28/99 23:06:41
My URL:http://welcome.to/antonia
My Email:female
Age: 18 (almost 19)
URL: http://welcome.to/antonia
email: cindysluyts@yahoo.com

Another great page about the man who's too gorgeous for words!!! :)) Keep up the good work!! :))

Carm--again. - 05/28/99 18:19:22
My Email:Female
Age: As I said, it's rude to ask a lady her age, dear.
URL: http://members.tripod.com/um, forgot the rest...


Carm (you know, former bus mate? ---don't tell me you forgot me already...*sniff* *sniff* I thought we're friends!!!) - 05/28/99 18:11:09
My Email:Female
Age: It's rude to ask a lady her age, Janet dear.
URL: http://I have one, but I won't tell you...^_^...unless you ask for it.
email: angel5wing@geocities.com

Hi!!! How are yah? Nice page. You've done a great job, considering this is your first (well, is it?) page. Anyway, keep up the good work. BTW, who's Charlie? ^_^ Please email me and tell me! ---> Lady Creamy, Countess of Clumsy (joke)

mika - 05/28/99 01:01:11
My Email:di-tiyak(!)
Age: 14
email: alam mo na to

hey janetm! cool page. di ko na nga lang tiningnan yung iba kasi what do i care about charlie!?!?!?! newayz, just checkin this thang out. yeehee...fourth year na siya!!!!!!!!!!

Claudia - 05/27/99 10:37:35
Age: 20
email: exnan@tin.it

CIAO Janet! It's Claudia! You've done a really cool site! GO ON!!!!!! I love Charlie!

cj_y2k - 05/27/99 05:08:51
My Email:male
Age: 25

very informative

BAIRD - 05/26/99 21:35:22
My Email:MALE
Age: 12


Sonja - 05/25/99 21:31:57
URL: http://members.tripod.com/shakie99/shaughnessy.htm
email: sonja@bnet.at

Hi Janet!! Great site!! You have really done an excellent job here! Good luck with your project! Sonja

Annemieke - 05/25/99 20:53:06
My URL:the Netherlands
URL: http://members.tripod.com/shakie99/shaughnessy.htm
email: annieproductions@hotmail.com

Hi Janet!! Congrats on a job well done! You have all the information one could possible need and some nice (and creative ones I must add) pics too!! Great!!! I am pretty sure you will get a very good grade for this, and I hope you will have lots of fun with the further development of your page. But somehow I do not doubt that! By the way, I loved the acknowledgements-part!!!! BYYYEEEE lots of luck with this! Annie

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