Welcome to our Library.
Here are a list of links that can help you on your search.
The Squirrel's Nest
The Lucille Ball File
One Stop Lucy Shop
Glen's Main Lucy Page
The Lucy Connection
Nancy Schnepp's 'I Love Lucy' Page
Lucy's World
CheezyLu Productions
Gary Loves Lucy
Lucy in the Classroom
Terra's Homepage
We Love Lucy Enterprises
Kayla's 'I Love Lucy' Page
Laughs, Luck, and Lucy
Lucy Talk
Shauna's Lucille Ball Page
Pam Gragg's Lucy Page
I Love Lucy Internet Mailing List
Lisa B.'s I Love Lucy Page
623 East 68th Street
Michele's Lucy Page
Lucy-Desi Museum
Here is a list of books that can help also.
Andrews, Bart. (1985) The 'I Love Lucy' Book. Doubleday.
Andrews, Bart & Watson, Thomas. (1980) Loving Lucy. St. Martin's Press.
Arnaz, Desi. (1976) A Book. William Morrow and Company.
Ball, Lucille. (1996) Love, Lucy. Berkley Publishing Group.
Brady, Kathleen. (1994) Lucille: The Life of Lucille Ball. Hyperion.
Brochu, Jim. (1990) Lucy in the Afternoon. William Morrow and Company.
Cohen, Joel H. (1974) Laugh With Lucy. Scholastic.
Fidelman, Geoffrey Mark. (1999) The Lucy Book. St. Martin's Press.
Frew, Tim. (1996) Lucy, A Life in Pictures. Michael Friedman Publishing Group.
Harris, Warren G. (1991) Lucy & Desi. Simon and Schuster.
Higham, Charles. (1986) Lucy: The Real Life of Lucille Ball. St. Martin's Press.
Hill, Tom. (1996) Nick-at-Nite's Classic TV Companion. Simon & Schuster.
Krohn, Katherine. (1992) Lucille Ball: Pioneer of Comedy. Lerner.
McClay, Michael. (1995) I Love Lucy. Warner Books.
McGarry, Annie. (1993) Lucy!. Smithmark.
Oppenheimer, Jess & Oppenheimer, Greg. (1996). Laughs, Luck, and Lucy. Syracuse University Press.
Thibbodeaux, Keith. (1993) Life After Lucy. New Leaf Press.
Wyman, Ric. (1995) For the Love of Lucy - The Complete Collector's Guide for Collector's and Fans. Abbeville Press.
If you have any questions or want to submit your link, please contact, Eva.
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© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Eva, Lucille Ball University