As you can see, my site has changed-forever. My life and view on the world has been shaped and changed completely by the terrorist bombings of the WTC and the Pentagon.

There were a lot of good people who died.  There were a lot of people who were hurt-emotionally and physically.

There were also a lot of heroes, and perhaps it is naive of me, but I see this tragedy bringing the world together-and in peace.  There has been an outpouring of emotion and sentiment that is unbelievable.

Hence, this site has been changed.  Here, you can submit your thoughts, stoires, art, whatever you feel to me-and here it can be seen by the whole world. 

This is an event that, like so many before, will never be forgotten.  I hope that this site can give you hope, cheer, and help you vent your tears, whoever you are and where ever you come from.

And this page is non-discriminatory.  Everyone is mourning right now, and needs a place to put their contemplations.  I will ignore all flames for it being such.

Starrunner Out

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