
Astronema, the Queen of Evil, is the villain presented in Power Rangers In Spance. Astronema was in reality Karone Astro, sister to Andros (the Red Ranger). She was kidnapped from KO-35 when she was just a small child. She was kidnapped by Darkonda, and raised by Ecliptor. Ecliptor became a vitual foster father, and permanent bodyguard.

Astronema later learned that she was in reality Karone. However, Dark Specter wanted her back. She later made her into Circuit Astronema. However, during the final battle between Andros and Astronema, a deflected blast accidently killed Astronema. After Zordon's wave hit, she was returned to life as Karone (this also had something to do Adros's deep love).

Zhane and Astronema had a slight romance, yet this wasn't expanded upon much. Now that she's back to Karone, there's always the chance. However, current belief is that there might be something going on between Leo and Karone.