All content in my name "Lee Mowat" is free to copy or reproduce..

Although the Romans did not invent crucifixions they perfected it as a form of torture and capital punishment that was designed to produce a slow death with maximum pain and suffering..

Where was God to save your arm?-You begin the answer and following answers from the viewpoint of either excusing God or diminishing the calamity...

Our new righteousness which is not Gods moral righteousness-or accredited righteousness is: " positional righteousness" through faith..

Satan imitates Christianity-better than Christians.


I turn my mind to the Father and propose-if it is your will for me to be here and to be in the circumstances that I am in then let the pear which I have chosen fall to the ground..

So what difference does it make-if God proves his existence to you and by what means then can you be convinced?...

To fellowship with a Holy God-you must be Holy yourself otherwise that would mean that this God is not so Holy after all.


It entered my mind-" what is wisdom if you so easily cast it aside as a worthless object when giving in to temptation?"..

Finally in the same truth that our Bibles today are not the original scriptures- and vary from publisher to publisher and version to version making void as the final authority as being the very words of God..

Oh for the sanctity for human life! and the respect for the dead!-These are but a few of several sins that are leading the way for greater unchartered sin..


I sat down whilst they all waved their hands and wobbled on the spot-not having the faintest idea of what was being sung or that the Lord might well be looking on shaking his head...

Slowly the brave/insane descended to the stage area-and the stars of the show did their prayer performances over these people and then the true insanity began.....

At the end of the meeting nobody spoke to me-and so I went home. ............

At the end of his study he suggested we all pray to be free-in the spirit and I decided it was time for the toilet so as I could hit my head against the wall a couple of times. I was apprehensive about leaving my wife alone with them but I had to go and when I returned the inevitable had paid a visit.......................

If wrongly America was judged to be a Theocracy-and under the same conditions as Israel of the past why would 11th September be seen as "" God punishing" or " allowing" on the basis of National immorality?..........

At one point in our lives there arrives the time when we begin to die.-Most people reach this point at around the age of 30 years


With globalisation and European law entering into participating European countries there are many laws and values unique to individual countries being overridden by conflicting rules and regulations that have to be abided by participation of national governments in the European institution.

If God comes to live in a person and this is a reality for Christians how can there be a necessity for faith in God from then after.

Oh you doubting Thomas! do you live by faith or rely on other peoples opinions?


I'm really fed up with myself that I defended my printed Bible as Gods word. One of the frequent retorts I kept giving was is it impossible for God to enable the Bible to be brought to us 2000 years unchanged?

lNothing that we do in the flesh avails anything except
Except? you ask, yes except! 
James 1:27

This study starts off by condemning the marketing techniques of the organised church having done so then goes on to reinforce marketing techniques in the church under the guise of spiritual unity great! this stuff makes me puke!


Hebrews Verse 1 is saying that God has throughout history and in various ways made known to his people that he is their father and this can be seen in the likeness of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle put together to which makes this point.

Its meant to be hard its all part of Gods plan if you endure the answers will come you may already know the answer anyhow.


If even you disagree with me regarding the name of the son you must admit these ere questionable discrepancies.

I don't think it is Gods intention for me to view his love as an alarm bell at which I flee for safety but what does he expect?

Chapter one-The Gust 

Quite a lot recently I have been thinking over the time when I will meet the Lord face to face. So many things have passed through my mind

The question involved moral physical positions in the act of making love. After a minute of hysterical laughter

Most people detest me even at the mention of my name-the majority burn with anger and resentment and bitterness.

My vicar once gave me his white Holy collar to aid me in prayer he is a wonderful Holy and sacred man.

Save Our Planet! 
Who's planet? 
Quite an assumption to say our planet! who said it was ours?

A fake pair of scales is disgusting to JHVH: a genuine plummet is delightful

Let us begin with me. I am white I am racist but I am not a racist .

Many Christians today are Spiritually fat off the blessings in Christ.

Respect for authority generally and respect for the ministerial office in particular is much reduced.

Sin is defined by the Law of God which was given to Moses by God.

Whether we care to admit this or not-the fact remains that we are slaves.

So are you contemplating suicide? 
Basically to put suicide in a box..

How long I wonder till the time arrives when political correctness becomes Law and the preaching of Christianity becomes an act of terrorism in the eyes of the Law.

This subject came to mind this morning as my wife was picking a cd from our collection to play on her journey to work.

For the most part in religions trials and tribulations are seen as a test of God. Generally the thinking in this is that God wants to see how faithful we are

How can I reconcile the promises of God with what I see around me in the world today? How can I believe in something I can't even see?

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Free will V Predestination

NIV Isaiah 53:6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

There is/was a time (relative) to us when God looked down upon the Earth (with a view to see the beginning to the end of time) to see that man did not look to or consider God in any way, and that each and all of them had become their own God -seeing their own desires as the only path to travel.

The above verse is the beginning of predestination.

Simply put; and with the pattern consistently shown throughout the history of the Jews according to the Bible, God has always set apart for himself a remnant from the whole stock that had gone bad, this action demonstrates the boundary of predestination.

If you over step this boundary you might say that God ALSO stopped those that were not of the remnant to be saved-but this is nonsensical.

What you may be thinking is that God made people evil and some he made good.

Going back to the verse, "ALL" had turned to ungodliness which also included those that did later become the remnant, for if the remnant became a remnant by Gods election alone, then they must have been of the same disposition as those not chosen.

So I would say that God just made the world and all people became evil and none were good.

So then, God had chosen some out of all of the Godless -to be Godly, and this is predestination.

Regarding those not chosen and those of the status of  "to be" chosen -yet not having become a remnant, they are in that state of ungodliness on account of their own free will choice and not because God has made them unable to be Godly.

This goes on to ponder over the co-existence of free will and predestination, for if I am predestined to be a remnant then where is my free will?

We acknowledge that in life there are Laws and a law being defined through: observing an action that consistently repeats itself for e.g. if I continuously let go of an apple it will fall towards the Earth and we call this the Law of gravity.-a crude definition.

However there is "cause and effect" and we have higher laws and lower laws that when applied to one another can cause other laws to come into effect, for e.g.;

A train is traveling from A to B at 500 km an hour

In the train there are two men.

One of the men in the train stands up and walks in the direction of the train (A to B) at 5 km an hour.

The other man in the train stands up and walks in the opposite direction of the train (B to A) at 5 km an hour.

Summing up the speed at which both men individually are traveling from A to B we have

=5km, 505km, 495km, 500km.

It is not possible to be traveling at 5-505-500 km an hour at the same time or even 5-495-500 km an hour at the same time but if you take a greater law (the train) it can so effect the speeds (without effecting the speeds) that all become the possible.

So being one of those men in the train I could be traveling at 5km, 505km, 500km an hour -all because of the train, yet I walk at 5km an hour or do I?

Likewise the will of God is a greater or higher "law" above the "law" of the will of man comparatively, and it changes results without changing anything.

Yes the free will acts to the law and not the desire. 

Where does predestination come into effect with free will? by provoking a choice.

Does predestination have any dependency upon free will? it has complete dependency.

How does God expect mankind to serve him of their own free will -if their free will is opposed to his will? by him initiating his higher law.

A distinction between free will and desire.

Free will is choice, it is the ability to chose, it is nothing more than an ability, it is not a moral quality it is the ability realise our desires.

How many times have you chosen to do things that you had not desired to do?

So when God chooses some to become a remnant he does this by entering a higher law into their existence by which their free will makes a choice in relation to that law, their free will has not be compromised their free will has not acted in any other way contrary to its own law -it has simply chosen in accordance with the higher law that gave it a choice or provoked free will to function in new circumstances. 

Free will is not free desire otherwise it would be impossible to choose do something that you didn't want to do.

Can anybody of their own free will become a Christian apart from the law of Gods will-predestination?  no because the desire of men is opposed to Gods will by default, therefore free will shall only follow suit.

Why then does God command Christians to preach salvation to the world? it is for judgment upon those that are not predestined that they may be condemned, and for those that are predestined to come into salvation through the knowledge of the Gospel.

Either way the message of the gospel condemns the desires and free will of man, it accuses mankind of being evil and provokes a free will response.

How does a Christian do good? well this is another reality of Christianity that separates itself from all other religions of the world, the Bible explains that not even Christians do good of their own free will, but that it is the will of God being done through them and not them doing the will of God.

In the end if Gods will is being done through me-then I am doing the will of God, so in a way I am doing good, but the difference is that it is God that is doing his will through me and not I doing his will.

The life of a Christian is not about becoming a good person, it is about that persons wicked desires dying and be replaced with the desire of God, the whole Bible is firstly to Christians information to bring to their knowledge their desires that are opposed to Gods will and secondly to seek God to deliver them from those desires, the result is that Gods will is done and their ungodly desires are put to death.

The difference between all Religion and Christianity is that in Christianity we take the morality of God to show us our immorality and seek forgiveness and deliverance, but with Religion they take the morality of God and seek to attain it.

To sum up then.

The world -the creation, has forsaken God and as a result all deserve nothing but eternal punishment and condemnation for their wickedness, however God has decided to have mercy on some and by his will alone.

The rest -he has left to reap what they have sowed.

Is God wrong to leave mankind to its eternal fate? no it is mankind that is wrong and deserves everything that is coming to them.

Is it fair that those chosen to be saved are saved? no, they are equally worthy of nothing but contempt and eternal punishment and condemnation, however the means by which God has made it possible to save some is so unspeakably greater than the wickedness itself that I dare not to dwell on the unfairness to God that some are saved despite their previous rejection of God.

Has anybody on planet Earth ever had the desire which led their free will to choose God? No.

Finally the concept of trying to do good or avoid evil is a "trap" and a snare to all men that they might know they have fallen short of the Holiness of Gods will.

Lee Mowat

did this bless you? pray for me.

may 6th 2004

Have you ever thought that you were different to others? That your concepts are sometimes a bit way out?
God lives in the heavenly temple set within an ivory palace -- one of a number of such palaces -- on the heavenly mount Zion. His throne is set beneath a rainbow that casts a powerful greenish hue like emerald.
The Jews chosen and loved by God:
De 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth
All Catholics who by the grace of God trust Christ as their Lord and Saviour sooner or later face this problem.
The Facts About Nostradamus
And His Prophecies
The following web sites have been listed to help porn strugglers escape the web of temptation.
Probably the most intriguing Scripture reference to angels from a human perspective is the one that says
Plainly Josephus distinguishes between those books written before and after Artaxerxes.
I'm still amazed - and increasingly intrigued - by the account in the book of Genesis of the stunningly long lives of Adam and Seth and Jared and Methuselah.
All sorts of things can trigger our anger. Sometimes the emotion is appropriate when directed at crime or at hypocrisy evil and sin
In fact this tree (the one we decorate and put our presents under) is described as a pagan act and symbol in our Scriptures.
A worldview should pass certain tests. First it should be rational. It should not ask us to believe contradictory things
Take heed of forming plans for happiness as though it lay in the things of this world which soon pass away
 Sure Paul condemned men who changed the
natural use and burned one toward another.
But that's not us. We didn't change anything. We were born this way.
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hey its a long list yeah?


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Law, Lord's Supper, Communion, Man, Mediation, Mediator, Mercy, Messiah, Millennium, Miracle, Monergism, Monolatry, Monophycitism, Monotheism, Nestorianism, Occult, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Oracles, Original, Sin, Pantheism, Parable, Pelagianism, Pentateuch, Pentecost, Pneumatology, Polytheism, Postmillennialism, Prayer, Predestine, Predestination, Premillennialism, Prophet, Propitiation, Purgatory, Rapture, Reconcile, Reconciliation, Redemption, Repentance, Resurrection, resurrection, bodies, Revelation, Righteousness, Sacrament, Salvation, Sanctify, Sanctification, Scriptures, Second, Coming, The, Septuagint, The, Sin, Son, of, God, Soteriology, Soul, Sleep, Sovereignty, Spiritual, Gifts, Synagogue, Synergism, Tabernacle, Temptation, Testament, Tetragrammaton, Theism, Theodicy, Theology, Theophany, Tithe, Total Depravity, Transcendence, Transfiguration, Transubstantiation, Tribulation, The, Trichotomy, Trinity, Type, Typology, Word, The, Worship, Wrath, Atonement, Baptism, Baptismal, Regeneration, Blasphemy, Calvinism, Canon, Christ, Christian, Christology, Church, Circumcision, Common, Grace, Communion, Condemnation, Consubstantiation, Conversion, Conviction, Covenant, Covenant, Theology, Creation, Cult, Death, Deism, Demon, Dichotomy, Disciple, Dispensation, Divinity, Edify, Efficacy, Elect, Election, Eschatology, Eternal, life, Eternal, Security, Eutychianism, Evil, Evolution, Excommunication, Expiation, Faith, Fall, The, Fast, Fasting, Fellowship, Firstborn, Forgiveness, Fool, Foreknow, Foreknowledge, Gifts, Spiritual, Gifts, God, Gospel, Grace, Heaven, Hell, Heresy, Holy, Holiness, Holy, Spirit, Humility, Hypostatic, Union, Idol, Idolatry, Immutability, Impute, Imputation, Incarnation, Inspiration, Jesus, Jesus, Only, Movement, Judgment, Just, Justice, Justify, Justification, Kenosis, Kingdom, of, God,

Law, Lord's Supper, Communion, Man, Mediation, Mediator, Mercy, Messiah, Millennium, Miracle, Monergism, Monolatry, Monophycitism, Monotheism, Nestorianism, Occult, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Oracles, Original, Sin, Pantheism, Parable, Pelagianism, Pentateuch, Pentecost, Pneumatology, Polytheism, Postmillennialism, Prayer, Predestine, Predestination, Premillennialism, Prophet, Propitiation, Purgatory, Rapture, Reconcile, Reconciliation, Redemption, Repentance, Resurrection, resurrection, bodies, Revelation, Righteousness, Sacrament, Salvation, Sanctify, Sanctification, Scriptures, Second, Coming, The, Septuagint, The, Sin, Son, of, God, Soteriology, Soul, Sleep, Sovereignty, Spiritual, Gifts, Synagogue, Synergism, Tabernacle, Temptation, Testament, Tetragrammaton, Theism, Theodicy, Theology, Theophany, Tithe, Total Depravity, Transcendence, Transfiguration, Transubstantiation, Tribulation, The, Trichotomy, Trinity, Type, Typology, Word, The, Worship, Wrath pastor, leader, shepherd, flock, peace, prayer, prosperity, heaven, rapture, Romans, genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, judges, Ruth, Samuel, kings, chronicles, chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, job, psalms, proverbs, Ecclesiastes, song of songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, hosea, Joel, amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, mark, Luke, john, acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, jams, peter, Jude, revelation, old testament, new testament, tribes, goddess, pharaoh, destined, revival, prophesy, immorality

nce, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Oracles, Original, Sin, Pantheism, Parable, Pelagianism, Pentateuch, Pentecost, Pneumatology, Polytheism, Postmillennialism, Prayer, Predestine, Predestination, Premillennialism, Prophet, Propitiation, Purgatory, Rapture, Reconcile, Reconciliation, Redemption, Repentance, Resurrection, resurrection, bodies, Revelation, Righteousness, Sacrament, Salvation, Sanctify, Sanctification, Scriptures, Second, Coming, The, Septuagint, The, Sin, Son, of, God, Soteriology, Soul, Sleep, Sovereignty, Spiritual, Gifts, Synagogue, Synergism, Tabernacle, Temptation, Testament, Tetragrammaton, Theism, Theodicy, Theology, Theophany, Tithe, Total Depravity, Transcendence, Transfiguration, Transubstantiation, Tribulation, The, Trichotomy, Trinity, Type, Typology, Word, The, Worship, Wrath, Spiritual, Gifts, God, Gospel, Grace, Heaven, Hell, Heresy, Holy, Holiness, Holy, Spirit, Humility, Hypostatic, Union, Idol, Idolatry, Immutability, Impute, Imputation, Incarnation, Inspiration, Jesus, Jesus, Only, Movement, Judgment, Just, Justice, Justify, Justification, Kenosis, Kingdom, of, God, Law, Lord's Supper, Communion, Man, Mediation, Mediator, Mercy, Messiah, Millennium, Miracle, Monergism, Monolatry, Monophycitism, Monotheism, Nestorianism, Occult, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Oracles, Original, Sin, Pantheism, Parable, Pelagianism, Pentateuch, Pentecost, Pneumatology, Polytheism, Postmillennialism, Prayer, Predestine, Predestination, Premillennialism, Prophet, Propitiation, Purgatory, Rapture, Reconcile, Reconciliation, Redemption, Repentance, Resurrection, resurrection, bodies, Revelation, Righteousness, Sacrament, Salvation, Sanctify, Sanctification, Scriptures, Second, Coming, The, Septuagint, The, Sin, Son, of, God, Soteriology, Soul, Sleep, Sovereignty, Spiritual, Gifts, Synagogue, Synergism, Tabernacle, Temptation, Testament, Tetragrammaton, Theism, Theodicy, Theology, Theophany, Tithe, Total Depravity, Transcendence, Transfiguration, Transubstantiation, Tribulation, The, Trichotomy, Trinity, Type, Typology, Word, The, Worship, Wrath exodus, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, judges, Ruth, Samuel, kings, chronicles, chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, job, psalms, proverbs, Ecclesiastes, song of songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, hosea, Joel, amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, mark, Luke, john, acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, jams, peter, Jude, revelation, old testament, new testament, tribes, goddess, pharaoh, destined, revival, prophesy, immorality.