Summary of 1995 survey - Why do a poll? - Longmont Times-Call article

There were 640 total responses to the AGREE 2000 opinion poll, out of approximately 3200 items that were mailed out to the Town of Erie and the surrounding area.

note: answers for each question may not add up to the total number of responses

Question 1: Which of the following best describes why you chose to live in Erie?
Categoryvery importantsomewhat importantneutralunimportant
Beauty of the area 250170 5423
Small town/rural atmosphere360107 37 38
Job opportunity 41 42 91 261
Affordable housing248130 77 56
Grew up here/close to family 70 42 57261
Location247194 45 24
Other119 5 4 4

Question 2: Would you say the rate of growth in Erie during the last several years is too fast, too slow, or about right?
too fast too slow about rightdon't know
364 43166 42

Question 3: Realizing that Erie has already approved annexations that will increase the town's population from 5,000 to over 16,000, how many total people do you feel Erie could support without negative impacts on the quality of life?
Less than 20,000 20,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 40,000 40,000 to 50,000 More than 50,000
364164 491915

Question 4: Please rate how you feel about the following statement: the town should encourage a mix of housing types and sizes in new developments to provide more options.
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
220187 73 60 49

Question 5:In terms of future development, which private land use patterns should be emphasized?
Categoryvery importantsomewhat importantneutralunimportant
Single family homes - 6,000 sq. ft. -10,000 sq. ft. lots 141135 83160
Single family homes - 10,000 sq. ft.+ 154191 77105
Single family homes - 1/2 acre lots231204 60 47
Single family homes - 1+ acre lots24716579 55
Single family homes - 2 to 5 acre ranchettes231139 97 78
Townhomes, Patio/Manor homes 86165115163
Apartments 47114107248
Mobile homes12 29 57417
Commercial uses (retail/service business)282181 40 47
Light industrial146 165 94137
Heavy industrial 25 48 71359

Question 6: Which development styles should be encouraged?
Categorystrongly supportsomewhat supportdon't knowsomewhat opposestrongly oppose
encourage developments where houses are placed closer together but more open space is preserved 125167 40122121
encourage mixed use developments where housing and commercial facilities are located near each other so less driving is required159198 62 73 89
prohibit building on land distant from existing built-up areas 194 85105 91 91

Question 7: What new economic opportunities should the town encourage or seek out?
home-based business 374 50187
small in-town shops566 9 49
technology-based industry 391136 86
highway strip mall164374 80
artisan & craftsman businesses487 30100
'big box' retail (K-Mart, WalMart, Best Buy) 163385 75
fast food restaurants189318110
one-of-a-kind restaurants545 27 50
light industry342156113
other 84 11 16

Question 8: How do you feel about spending more public funds to buy land for open space, even if it means raising taxes?
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
106 80 30 23 43
note: the results for this question were unexpectedly low, possibly due to the placement of the text

Question 9. List up to 3 goals that you think the town should focus on in the immediate future:
View Results

Question 10: In the next 5 years, do you think the quality of life in Erie will be:
better about the same worse don't know
185 80 237108
note: we received many conditional comments with answers, i.e. 'if things don't change', or 'it depends'

Question 11. What do you like most about Erie?
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Question 12. What do you like least about Erie?
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