The Mind of A Freak

Puppy's Poetry Section


"The Mind of A Freak" is a collection of poetry, mostly free-verse, that I began writing to help me cope with depression when I was only 16 years old. This section showcases some of the best works in my collection. There are a variety of emotions expressed here, from hopelessness to anger to desire. Writing these poems have helped me through many periods in my life, and they continue to be very theraputic for me.  I hope you enjoy them.

UPDATE: This page hasn't been updated in over three years, anything I have written since what has been posted here is in my poetry-oriented live journal... which isn't updated that frequently, but anything new is there... click here to check it out


Brand New Poetry (05/07/03)

Yes, after a year I have finally written some new stuff, which of course means that I had another relationship. This one lasted about a month and involved a much less painful break-up that my previous relationships. I guess I am learning, but after reading my new stuff, you can decide for yourself.

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The Box

Just Me


The Pendulum

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New Additons to Collection

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My Walls

Play Thing (Contradictions)



Not My Own

No Longer


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Black Room

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Breaking Through

Box of Dreams

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Come & Gone

smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Daddy smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Destruction
Drifitng smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Eyes smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Light of Love
Look Deeper smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Love... smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Mindless Desires
Missing You smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) My Old Friend smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) No Place Like Home
Not Again smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Not Me smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Out of Reach
Piece of Mind smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Rage smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Reality
Reflections smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Searching smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Seperate Lives
The Mirror smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) The Power smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) Through The Abyss
Wrong smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes) smallpurpbutton.gif (1287 bytes)
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