Snapshot #3

7:00  on a Friday night, and Stanley Kowalski's apartment is bustling with activity.

Two Mouties are carefully setting the table.  Neither man is dressed in red serge tonight.  Both are wearing blue jeans; one pair topped off by a flannel shirt, the other a form fitting t-shirt.

In the kitchen area, Stan leans against the counter, drinking a beer and splitting his time between watching Ben and Renny set the table and offering helpful tips to Ray Vecchio, who is at the stove putting the finishing touches on the spaghetti sauce.

A very polite argument has broken out at the table.  "Turnbull, I really think the serviettes should go next to the plate."

"With all due respect, Constable Fraser, I think they look much better at the top of the plate."

Stan glances at Ray, to see the other man staring at the two Canadians in disbelief, and he laughs.  "You know, you two are having an argument about something that doesn't matter at all."

Ben and Renny look up, and Renny heads into the kitchen.  "Doesn't matter?  Table setting is very important. I'll prove it to you."

Wrapping his arms around his lover's waist, Renny leads Stan over to the table, pushes him down into a chair, and leans down for a kiss.

Benny walks into the kitchen, and Ray rolls his eyes at him.  "Hopeless sappy romantics."

Ben smiles at him.  "Hopeless."  He agrees, and kisses Ray.  Ray reluctantly breaks away, and he and Benny carry the platters of food over to the table, where they join their friends for dinner.

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