Matt Damon the Overhyped

A common myth people seem to believe is that actors are not responsible for the constant publicity that is thrust upon them, which is completely untrue. Actors hire publicists to thrust their name into the limelight. It is their choice and nobody else's. And Matt Damon...must have the most active publicist in Hollywood.

Well, publicity-wise, Matt may not ever be quite as he was during the releases of The Rainmaker and "Good" Will Hunting, but he's still going strong, despite such recent projects asThe Legend of Bagger Vance, and All the Pretty Horses)...which didn't do well at the box office. Despite this, why is Hollywood so desparate to immortalize Matt's name? Because he's so "hot" and "talented?" Er, no... so why is Matt seen as as such a special prize? I don't think I will EVER get over the ridiculous treatment he received during the Bad Will Hunting publicity overkill, where it seemed like the only thing not known about Matt was what he had for breakfast. WHO CARES!!!! Why was it so essential to know everything about him? After all, Matt, with as much due respect as an anti page author can muster, is not head over heels above any other actor, so it can't be for that. He hasn't overcome any special odds in the past, such as poverty,a disability, or criminal records that he has completely reformed from. Nothing of the sort. So what was the big deal about Matt that made him be thrust in our faces so much? I will never know, but one thing I do know is that, unfortunately, as much as I wish it would, Matt's hype will probably never completely go away and he will just continue appearing in what seems to be every magazine published, as long as he keeps taking ridiculous pictures, and just generally milking up the role of the "big star." But the bright side to that is as long as Matt sticks around, he gives me an excuse to update this page, so I guess I should say...

Kudos, Matt. Keep it up!(I can't believe I just said that)

Well, somebody as overhyped as Matt would not even
need to keep up acting because the press would just
find some other excuse to write about him(Where is
Matt Damon Now? Matt, We Miss You!! Come Back
to Acting, Matt). What is it that the press sees in him,
that they fail to see in numerous other actors who
don't get HALF the attention. Like I said, I have been exposed to
Matt's acting before (Rising Son, School Ties Mystic Pizza), and it can literally be defined as
"average", or maybe if somebody was even feeling
quite mean, "sub-par." So what makes him this
"precious find" that we must know all about? It would
one thing if his articles talked about his training
and dedication and future ambitions, but instead they
cover stupidity like his "tragic" break-up with
just-as-overhyped Minnie Driver(why did it have to end, oh why?, his romance("of convenience") with Winona Ryder (I'll be nice and buy that they were a couple, but how come they never seemed to go to places like Award shows together? ), and his latest romance with a Big Female Star, which shifts so much that I won't even bother naming them any more, with fear of making this page "dated." And let's not forget his oh so touching friendship with Ben Affleck, because that really seems to make them tick. But why do we need to know all of this? Is Matt so insecure that he needs to hire people to write about such petty details of his life to get people interested in him because he doesn't think they will like him for his acting alone ... or do we need to look to others, like his agent or something? Maybe they or Matt should seek counseling to learn to be more sure of his abilities and then he would not need people to write such uselessness about him any longer. Now that's not a bad idea.
People would not know Matt as "Ben Affleck's friend."Instead, they could actually concentrate on his acting alone. That's one way for er, people who read magazines other than
Seventeen, Sassy, or even Bop(that's really a fine way to prove how "serious" you are, Matty-boy)to learn to take Matt more seriously as an actor(though I don't think it would work for me)and it would be the end
of him being "Mr. Overhyped."(but what would I do with
my page?)

But Matt has had a couple of years to try this out now and it certainly has not worked. I still see ridiculous pictures of him in magazines that accompany such articles as "Guys We Love," so I guess he would rather have some cheesy pin-up status than be a serious guy. Just be warned, Matt, those are the ones who suffer back-lashes and become has-beens. I'd rather not see MattandBen teasingly" referred to as "Best off-screen Couple" in some magazine poll (I forget which one...maybe it was the internet, but I'm honestly not making that up!) that was done awhile back, or see such horrific spectacles as Ben and their other "really close friend" Kevin Smith appearing on the MTV movie awards with Kevin pretending to be Matt for some reason, and Ben made some half-witted speech and kissing him. Er, joking should only go so far, AndBen. Why don't you two stick to talking about your ACTING, and away from such ridiculous attemps at getting attention.

I guess a confident "pretty-boy" like Matt can never be satisfied
being just like every other actor out there. I guess he feels he must be Matt the Standout, and pictures like these certainly make you"stand out",buddy, along with those silly stories. What's the deal? One article is bad enough,two is worse,and Matt has...countless.You're an actor,
Matt,not a tabloid figure.Start focussing on your career, and stop
focussing on if people are going to like you,because constant articles
will make them not,Mr.Overhyped!

Well, it will make some people not like Matt, but not enough to
balance his fans.I guess some people actually believe every word of these articles and plan to love Matt until the end(or until he grows "old",since Matt's fans are mostly young teens and people that age are fickle.)I also know that these fans are going to be angry by what I have said,and they are more than welcome to express their anger by sending me hate mail or by signing my guestbook.Do not think you are going to get me to change my mind,just as I will not be able to change yours.Nevertheless,it is your words,as well as words of support from fellow "anti" Matt folks that keep this page going,so write away and keep coming back!

Before you decide to send your lovely hate mail, I suggest that you read my "classic" hate mail from my first "Anti"Matt page. Seeing these may be enough to turn anybody from being a Matt Damon fan.After all, that means they have something in common with...these people.
The "Best" of my original hate mail
Current Hate Mail and Guestbook Signatures
And I just had to revive this "popular" feauture from my original Matt site...
The Gallery of Stupid Matt Damon Pictures
Don't forget to sign the guestbook and/or send e-mail and keep coming back for more new features!