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Catheryn Zaro - Vocal Magic

Well-known for five years as an announcer on San Diego's Classical Music Station KFSD 94.1FM, Catheryn Zaro is a voice-over and on-camera actor, model and musician (vocalist and classical guitarist).

Catheryn is seen and heard on radio and on television commercials, informercials, video narration, jingles, CD-ROM, voice-mail, message-on-hold, and books on tape. She began these professions while living in the San Francisco Bay Area, and now lives in San Diego. Catheryn enjoys a full and artistically rich life singing with various local ensembles, walking miles each day, practicing and teaching Yoga, and dancing.

Catheryn recently released a CD of six guided musical relaxations, each a different journey into one of nature's healing realms, incorporating her narration with beautiful flowing music, featuring a composition, her singing voice and her guitar playing. Combining her talents on this unique recording.

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Copyright 1999-2005, Catheryn Zaro. All rights reserved.

Catheryn Zaro's On-Camera Credits Catheryn Zaro's Voice-Over Resume E-Mail Catheryn Zaro Can't play MP3s? Download the FREE Winamp Media Player! Listen to Samples from Renew Yourself, a CD of 6 guided musical relaxations