<b><CENTER> Quotes from the Movie Titanic!!!!!</b></CENTER>

Jack:Take a deep breath and hold it right before we go into the water. The ship will suck us down. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. Don't let go of my hand. We're gonna make it. Trust me.
Rose:I trust you.


Rose:JackJust a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats organized...
Jack :I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.
Rose:I love you Jack.
Jack:No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it.
Rose:I'm so cold.
Jack :You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?
Rose :I can't feel my body.
Jack :Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful.
Jack:You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.
Rose :I promise.
Jack :Never let go.
Rose :I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.


Jack:Where to, Miss?
Rose:To the stars.


Molly:Hey, who came up with the name Titanic? Was it you, Bruce?
Ismay:Yes, actually. I wanted to convey sheer size; and size means stability, luxury... and safety


Rose:Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there arn't enough boats... not enough by half. Half the people on this ship will die.
Cal:Not the better half!


Jack:Winning this ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me; it brought me to you.


Rose/Jack:You jump, I jump right?!


Rose:You have a gift Jack. You see people.
Jack:I see you!


Jack:Do you trust me?
Rose:I trust you
Jack:Open your eyes
Rose:...I'm Flying...


[upon boarding the ship]
Jack:We are the luckiest sons of bitches in the world!


Ruth:So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.
Cal:It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink this ship.


Andrews:Five compartments. She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached. But not five. Not five. As she goes down by the head the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads... at E Deck... from one to the next... back and back. There's no stopping it.
Captain:The pumps...
Mr. Andrews:The pumps buy you time... but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do... Titanic will founder.
Ismay:But this ship can't sink!
Mr. Andrews:She is made of iron sir, I assure you she can! And she will.
Captain:How much time?
Mr. Andrews:An hour... two at most.


Jack:We'll drink cheap beer and go on the rollercoaster until we throw up and we'll ride horses on the beach... right in the surf... but you have to ride like a cowboy, none of that side-saddle stuff.
Rose:You mean one leg on each side? Can you show me?
Jack:Sure. If you like.


Ruth:You are not to see that boy again, do you understand me Rose? I forbid it!
Rose:Oh, stop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed.


Rose :Mr. Andrews, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned... forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard.
Andrews:About half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you? In fact, I put in these new type davits, which can take an extra row of boats here. But it was thought... by some... that the deck would look too cluttered. So I was over-ruled.
Cal :Waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship!
Andrews :Sleep soundly, young Rose. I have built you a good ship, strong and true. She's all the lifeboat you need.


Jack: You're amazing... and I know I have nothing to offer you,
Rose. I know that. But I'm involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowing that you're goin' to be alright.
Rose:I'll be fine. Really...
Rose:It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
Jack:You're right. Only you can do that.


Rose :When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you.
Jack :This is crazy.
Rose:I know. It doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it.


Fleet (V.O.):Is someone there?
Moody:Yes. What do you see?
Fleet :Iceberg right ahead!
Moody:Thank you.


Jack: So... how did you find out I didn't do it?
Rose: I didn't. I just realized I already knew.


Rose: I'm not going without you.
Jack: Get in the boat, Rose.
Jack: Go on. I'll get the next one.
Rose: No. Not without you!
Cal: There are boats on the other side that are allowing men in. Jack and I can get off safely. Both of us.
Jack: I'll be alright, see we got our own boat to catch.

Cal: You're a good liar.
Jack: Almost as good as you.
Cal: I always win, Jack. One way or another.


Jack: Rose, Rose, you're so stupid, you're such an idiot--
Rose: You jump, I jump, right?
Jack: Right.
Rose: Oh God, Jack. I couldn't go, I couldn't go Jack.


Immigration Officer: May I take your name love?
Rose: Dawson. Rose Dawson.


Louis the Sixteenth wore a fabulous stone, called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, which disappeared in 1792, about the time Louis lost everything from the neck up. The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped too... recut into a heart-like shape... and it became Le Coeur de la Mer. The Heart of the Ocean. Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.