The Weekly Ralph Wiggum Trivia

*Come See The Winners of Trivia #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!*

Trivia #6


Answer all these questions correctly and submit them. The answers will be given at the end of the week. The reason I ask for your e-mail address and name is becuz if you won i send you an award and your name gets posted on my site. You will get an award if you got all of the answers correct. Good Luck!!

What is your name and e-mail address?(not part of trivia)

1.What does the principals mom mistake Ralph for when they are at the grocery store?

2.What does the principals mom mistake lisa for?

3. That same episode, what were they gonna be in?

*The Winners of Trivia #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!*