I have met heaps of really nice people on the net and heres a bit bout some of emm!!!!! |
Mystic is my cuz Nicki ya can find her in #11-19teens_4ever She is really kewl an is helpin me wif my page.She is 16 and very nice so talk ta her,shes the best!!!!!!!!!!!! |
|[Red-Knight]|iz a HOT BABE He is from Holland and iz a real sweety He knowz heapz bout puters and is real smartz Daniel iz tha best husband in tha world!!Hez a cute lil devil. Letz play in the sandz lol!!! |
Sexy Barbie Boy is another fun guy he lives in Port and sits on the bench at basketball.He's nick is |3IGW and he makes really kewl BBQs |
LUSH^*^ Lee is really kewl she has heaps of good pop-ups which i steal.She is very pretty an a fun gal.Everyone luvs Lee. |
}|{Ahriman}|{ iz the most kewlest guy I know He soon will be #1 tennis champ:) He's pure evil *grin* so be afraid jk lol He also looks good in a coconut hehehe an who would'nt want to be stranded on a deserted Island wif him :) |