here's a bunch o' links for you to enjoy:
cheese dot Com - a site dedicated to the wonders of cheese. you can even get an email address "you@cheese.com"
i love cheese - ahh, the power of cheese. recipes, cheese spotlight, wow.
the american cheese society - upholding the highest standards of american cheese. ooooh.
cheese wars - the world's leading "dairy based" internet cartoon.
the internet's cheese information resource - cheese, cheese and still more cheese.
meaty cheesy boys - the official site of those adorable meaty cheesy boys
andy's anagram solver - you type in anything and it lists every anagram possible. do your name, it's hysterical. don't go here if you don't have time to kill, it's too much fun.
title & name generator! - seriously fun site that you will receive a random title...I am "Boss of The Institute for Promotion of Cheap Canadian Beers"
world of tv toys - they've got all the goods plus check out their links page - leads you to a huge list of tv flashback pages.
charlie's angels quiz - take the quiz to see how much angels sludge you're carrying around.
elvis lives in evil levis - facts about the king o' rock n' roll.
google - the best search engine on the web (in my humble opinion).
make stuff - a site for, you guessed it, people who like to make stuff!
tv ticket - if you live and/or plan to visit the los angeles area, visit this site and get tickets to see a live taping of your favorite show. I went to see drew carey! it was fun (with the exception of the wait outside the studio - definitely get there early).
recipe search - use this search to find a recipe for just about anything.
pc 911 - if you need any help with your 'puter or want to learn - visit this site!
your real age - if you've been treating your body badly, you might be 20 yrs. older. go here and find out!
A bunch of cheezy people have been here since february 27, 1999
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