War and Peace
Summary: An all out war is fought between Turdistan and Squatvia.
The Anykids: J. Anykid (Ivan), J.J. Anykid (Mark)
Songs: We've Got a War on our Hands, Let's Make Peace
Notes: This was my first episode of Roundhouse. The one that started the obsession. I've seen this episode so many times, I swear I will never watch it again (yeah right!). Anyway, check out Ivan and Mark bashing heads during the closing credits.
- Micki slips up when saying, "And I can run my beeper off electrical discharges from my own body."
- Alfred slips when dancing in Dance Bumper #2
- Alfred makes a mistake when saying, "And he's a dangerous enemy to the state."
- Ivan picks at a wedgie right before the "Peace or Expensive German Car?" skit
- In the dance at the end, Ivan is wearing a hat. When the camera angle changes, it's gone, and then suddenly comes back.
- During the end credits, the clip with Ivan with a shirt on his head is shown twice. (Told you I've seen this episode too many times)
Skit Rundown:
- Intro: Ramble, First Dud, Part II (David S, John)
- Strife Cereal (Ivan, Mark, Shawn D)
- Peace or Expensive German Car? (Micki, Lisa, David S, Natalie)
- Turdistan vs. Squatvia (Natalie, Ivan, Mark)
- International House of Food Fights (John, Julene, Ivan, Mark)
- Song Out of Act 1 - We've Got a War on our Hands (David S., Mark, Bryan, David N, Shawn D, Natasha, Natalie)
- Dance Bumper Into Act 2 (Ivan, Bryan, Seymour, Micki, Alfred)
- Yo' Mama (Ivan, Mark, Alfred)
- Blanket (Mark, David N, Ivan)
- Commando Dough (Mark, David N, Bryan)
- Drill Sergeant Flea and Tick Collar (David S, Natalie, Mark, Shawn D)
- Stealth Mommer (Shawn D, Ivan, Micki)
- Dad in the Bathroom (John)
- Dance Bumper Out of Act 2 (Bryan, David N, Ivan, Seymour, Alfred)
- Dance Bumper Into Act 3 (Natasha, Natalie, Micki)
- Blower GI Joe (John, Ivan)
- Snoople (Julene, Ivan)
- Mistreatment of Little Green Plastic Army Guys (Natalie, David S)
- He's My Brother! (Alfred, Ivan, Mark)
- Whites Out (Natasha)
- You Got Chocolate in My Peanut Butter (Alfred, David S)
- The Price is Too High (John, Bryan, Alfred, David S)
- Song - Let's Make Peace (Bryan, Natalie, Natasha)
- Closing (John, Shawn D, Ivan, Mark)