Santiago, a Cuban fisherman has gone for eighty-four days without catching a fish. Unfortunately, due to this streak of bad luck, his friend Manolin is forced to choose a new boat in order to make money. Despite this separation the two remain friends, and Manolin still continues to help Santiago.

Eventually, Santiago gets fed up and decides he must do something about his lack of luck. He sails far out into the ocean. Around noon, a large Marlin bites the line. Santiago, being the expert that he is hooks the fish. Due the the fish's massive strength, the fish begins to pull the boat around.

Santiago holds onto the line for three days, afraid if he tied it to the boat it would break. After three days, the fish became tired and began to swim with the current. Due to Santiago's age, he is in constant pain from the marlin. Santiago being the thinking man that he is, he begins to feel for the marlin. He notices a connection between them. He takes not to the suffering that they both endure.

Eventually, after the marlin tires, Santiago manages to pull it in to kill it with a spear. Santiago has never seen a fish this big. He ties the fish to the side of the boat and proceeds home.

Due to the bleeding of the fish, sharks begin to follow the boat. They begin to attack the fish. Santiago manages to kill the first shark, but in the effort, he loses his spear. He then uses a makeshift spear to kill off a few more sharks, but it is hopeless. The marlin is eventually eaten. Santiago is upset with himself, and returns home to sleep.

The next day, people find the skeleton of the fish still attached to the boat. It is mistaken for a shark. The people are amazing. Manolin returns to Santiago, to be there for him when he awakes. From this point on, they decide to fish together once again.


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The Old Man and the Sea

By: Justin Conly

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