by David Barnes
852 Continental Ct. Apt. 3
Vandalia, OH 45377-1239

DESCRIPTION: This match originated in Japan (I saw bits and pieces of one on an ECW broadcast when  they went to Japan.) The ring ropes and turnbuckles are removed, and barbed wire is  wrapped around the ring. Small explosive devises are attatched to the wires, and are set  off by sensors that are tripped when a wrestler is thrown into the barbed wire, draining  their strength and alertness. How much is drained depends upon how severe an explosion  they had to absorb.


  1. No managers, valets, or ringside allies
  2. Use Fatigue PIN rates
  3. Ignore the (lv) option
  4. When an wrestler's PIN rate reaches 12, he can no longer continue the match,   and his opponent wins. Roll both dice for injury length
  5. Substitute "whip into ringpost--3" for DEATHJUMP and INTO THE TURNBUCKLE
  6. When INTO THE ROPES or OUT OF THE RING is rolled, the wrestler onoffense tries to throw his opponent into the barbed wire. This can only be done on a roll of doubles. If doubles is not thrown, the opponent takes over on Level   2 Offense. When a wrestler is thrown into the barbed wire, he must roll one die and consult the chart below to see how severe an explosion he has absorbed:

                            1--no explosion; roll on Level 3 Defense
                            2--Firecracker! Power goes down by 1; add 1 to your PIN rate and                              roll on Level 3 Defense
                            3--Cherry Bomb! Power goes down by 2; add 1 to your PIN rate                              and roll your PIN
                            4--M-80! Power goes down by 3; add 2 to your PIN rate and roll                              your PIN (+1)
                            5--Blasting Cap! Power goes down by 4; add 2 to your pin and roll                              your PIN (+2)
                            6--Big Bertha! Power goes down by 5; add 3 to your PIN and roll                              your PIN (+3)

  7. After each PIN, the defensive wrestler adds 1 to his PIN rate and the offensive wrestler rolls on Level 2 Offense.