by: David Barnes
852 Continental Ct. Apt. 3
Vandalia, OH 45377-1239

DESCRIPTION: This match was originally created by ex-Gladiator Mayhem during his feud with Spike, but since then he had it updated. Like the original WIDOWMAKER match, the ring is disassembled except for the ropes, turnbuckles, and ringposts, which are placed at floor-level. The pads are replaced by ones with very coarse gravel. The entire "ringside area" is enclosed by a 20-ft. high ELECTRIFIED cage with a 2' x 2' hole in the roof for weapons to be periodically dropped through. Whether or not the wrestler can use it depends on if he can catch it.


  1. No DQ's, Count-Outs, Time-Limits, Managers, Ringside Allies, Valets, or Referees.
  2. Pinfalls? Submissions? They don't exist. Combatants in this match fight until one can no longer continue. A wrestler can no longer continue when his CAGE rating reaches 25 or higher.
  3. Since the turnbuckle pads are filled with gravel, if (c) is rolled, you have the option of rolling again or substituting HEAD INTO TURNBUCKLE-3
  4. All offensive moves are increased by one level. (Level 1 becomes Level 2, Level 2 becomes Level 3, Level 3 becomes PIN attempts with ratings of 0). There are NO modifiers to defensive results.
  5. Finisher ratings are increased by 2. [For example, LEAP OF DOOM (+6) becomes LEAP OF DOOM(+8).]
  6. After every 15 moves, a rubber bag is dropped from the top of the cage. If the wrestler on offense rolls 7 or lower, plus or minus his agility rating, he catches the beag and pulls out the weapon. (Roll on Weapons Chart below.) If he misses it, it drops to the floor, and he may pick it up if he rolls (c) or (ch). If a wrestler with a weapon rolls (ch), he has the option of either going to the Choice Situations Chart or substituting HIT OPPONENT WITH WEAPON--PIN + MODIFIED NUMBER.
  7. If PIN is rolled, add 1 to the cage rating and continue the match. If a finisher is rolled, regardless of whether or not it's a double-team finisher or not), add 1 to the finisher rate and add it to the CAGE rate. Gladiators automatically start with a CAGE rate of 1 in this match. After the cage rate is modified, the offensive wrestler continues the match on Level 2 Offense.
  8. If OUT OF THE RING is rolled, go to the Ring Chart below.
  9. Losers are automatically injured. Roll 1d8 X 5 to determine length.

(Roll 1d10)

  1. Aethran Deathband--3(*)
  2. Cattle Prod--PIN (+1)
  3. Cat-O-Nine-Tails--PIN (+2)
  4. Coal Miner's Glove--PIN (0)
  5. Morning Star--PIN (+1)
  6. Blackjack--PIN (0)
  7. Gaderffii--PIN (+2)
  8. Brass Knuckles--PIN (0)
  9. Steel Nunchucks--PIN (+2)
  10. War Hammer--PIN (+1)

(*) An Aethran Deathband is an Aethranium metal headband with an energy cube imbeded in the center. When a non-Aethran wears it, it'll glow red-hot. When a Gladiator wears it, it'll glow yellow-hot. If Mayhem wears it, it'll glow white-hot, since the energy waves are tuned to his brain-waves. When a head butt is attempted by a non-Aethran wearing the headband, regardless of whether or not it's a Level 3 maneuver, his opponent rolls on Level 3 Defense. If a Gladiator other than Mayhem tries a headbutt with the band, regardless of what level it was attempted, it becomes a PIN (0) attempt. If Mayhem wears it and tries a headbutt, it becomes a PIN (+2) attempt. If he's wearing it and attempts the LEAP OF DOOM, increase the finisher rate by 2. [For example, LOD (+6) would increase by 4, taking into account Rule #5, which increases finisher rates by 2. That would make his finisher LEAP OF DOOM (+10).]

(Roll 2D8)

2-4 Your opponent follows you outside the ring and throws you into the ropes. As you bounce off, he side-steps you and lets your own momentum crash you into the electrified cage. ADD 3 TO YOUR CAGE RATE.
5-7 Your opponent climbs out of the ring to throw you into the cage, but you recover quickly, kick him in the stomach, and deliver a desperate power bomb. OPPONENT ADDS 1 TO HIS CAGE RATE.
8-10 You drag your opponent out and throw him into the cage. OPPONENT ADDS 3 TO HIS CAGE RATE.
11-12 What an idiot you are! You drag your opponent out of the ring and attempt to rake his face in the cage, but you've forgotten that the cage is electrified, because as the electricity flows through his body, it courses through yours, as well. YOU BOTH ADD 2 TO YOUR CAGE RATES.
13-14 Your opponent climbs out of the ring and piledrives you. ADD 1 TO YOUR CAGE RATE.