2. Matsuhana: Hallway of corpses (outside Otacons lab)
3. Sato: Comm Tower A (roof destroyed by a Hind D missiles)
4. Nakamura: In Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped)
5. Shinkawa: Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
6. Uehara: Edge of elevator (the one were the ravens are)
7. Negishi: Sewage waterfall
8. Mizutani: When fighting Metal Gear
9. Korekado: Men's restroom
10. Sasaki: Picture frames in the Commanders room
11. Sonoyama: Torture machine
12. Toyota: Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse
13. Kozyou: Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
14. Shimizu: Wolf dog cave (first crawling point)
15. Kaneda: The mirror located in the Women's restroom
16. Fukushima: Heliport, looking out to sea from cliff
17. Takade: Ninja room, glass edge
18. Fujimura: Elevator, in the Comm Tower B complex
19. Shikama: Electric floor
20. Kimura: Metal Gear underground base, tip of of Metal Gear's railgun
21. Kobayashi: Rock in canyon
22. Okajima: Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
23. Nishimura: Next to Baker's corpse
24. Mukaide: Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle
25. Onoda: Where Baker is tied up
26. Kitao: Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
27. Yoshimura: Dead end of air duct
28. Hirano: Elevator (Comm Twr B) deep in the shaft of top level
29. Muraoka: Water in cargo dock
30. Ishiyama: Heliport top of building
31. Ito: Inside elevator to tank hangar
32. Jerem Blaustein: Sniper Wolfs corpse
33. Yoshioka: Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace
34. Mori: Lowest point of elevator (Comm Twr B)
35. Kinbara: Dark area of stairs
36. Tougo: End of boiler room (in Blast Furnace where the stem is)
37. Makimura: Hidden armory store room (behind the weakened wall)
38. Kutome: Observation room
39. Tanaka: Heliport, sleeping soilder
40. Shigeno: Heliport, security camera by staircase
41. Yamashita: Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
42. Kobayashi: Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
43. Scott Dolph: Way down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Tower A and B
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