Some stuff about me.
Hi! My name is Amanda, and I am 14 years old.
Some of my favorite
activities are playing soccer and talking on the phone.
Here are a few pictures.
This is a picture of me and a few of my friends at my birthday party.

This is my cousin. She is 5 years old.
Isn't she so adorable?

This is my soccer team hanging out before a game.
I play for Capitol United during both the summer
and the winter. During the winter we train at the
Schenectady Armoury. Then in the summer
we play our games at Lakeridge Farms.

Here I am in front
of the Eiffel Tower
on my trip to France.

These are my two puppies. Their names
are Raven (the older one) and Roxy
(the little one).

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