The Law Of Anarchy

First off, if you are hear to say "This isn't Anarchy"
Leave immediately,and save yourself and us the trouble.
Anarchy - There is no Right Definition for Anarchy.
It is not our place, or anyone else's to create one.
No one has the right to force his/her definition upon anyone else
We can only give our individual views on the subject.
Anarchy is What you make it,
not what a book, or another individual tells you it is.
It is a belief, it is a way of life.
It is not a buzzword as Gen-X has made it.
It can be a form of government,
or it can be a personal belief,
but with every belief and political alignment
there are the extremists and radicals.
This Section is for such individuals.
The ground breakers, the scene makers,
not for the Faint of heart.

Many have seen us and called us Radicals, loose-cannons,
crazy, Terrorists, and similar names.
they have tried to label us. well, keep trying.
There is no label. Fuck all Stereotypes:
We don't all wear trenchcoats
We aren't all 13 years old
We're not all yuppies
We're not all poor
We're not all dangerous
We're don't all like Heavy Metal
And it's not the Media
There is no Stereotype for us. Period.
Some of us may fit into certain classes,
that does not in anyway mean we all
have those traits. End of story.
If you try to make a generalization,
you will never see half of Us,
which is probably better, for us, and for you.
This Is My Belief
So, start with the basics,
Weird or being different is good, Normal is bad.
Normal=conformity and control.
Control over our actions and feelings.
Anarchy is chaos to that control.
Anarchy brings chaos that is desperately needed
to conformity. If everyone acted the same, (normal).
then life would suck. In society today,
normal is good, which explains why life sucks.
Thats why anarchy rules, and being normal
isn't as normal as it used to be.Thats
why its good to be religious, life is hell,
and if this is the closest i'm getting to hell,
then i'd rather go to heaven. Because I think,
both you and I know Hell is alot worse than life!!

Velociraptor © Copyright 1999, Devyn Way

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