Here at Low Key Productions we make movies and videos because we have to much spare time and we're not really good at anything else (except for Sam, he's into music, but then he's not really good at movies or videos). Basically, we beg our parents for money until they give us some to shut up and then we make our movies. We also use our own money, but that's not as much fun. So here's a look at the movies we've done or are working on.
Written, Directed, Produced, and Edited by Andy Hyman. Starring Sam Alexander and Gary Nardino. Associate Producers Allen Hyman, Sam Alexander, Gary Nardino. Special Thanks to Barnaby's.
(L)Opening Title for "Fries". (R)Gary argues with Sam about the value of searching for meaning.
"Fries" is about these two guys arguing over whether what they're doing is worthwhile or not. They're having a conversation about all these heavy psychological topics and it's all centered around the fries, which really aren't important. The movie only lasts about five minutes (because that's all I had enough film for) and so everything has to be answered pretty quickly. It's just a discussion, and that's all I wanted to write in the first place. For a first film, I'm really happy for the way it turned out, even though there are a bunch of technical srew-ups. The movie was shot on Super-8 film, then the dialogue was dubbed. I had it all transfered to video, and then edited on video because some of the film was destroyed.
--By Andy Hyman
The Suicide Video
Directed and Edited, and story by Gary Nardino. AcSpecial thanks to Thomas Lysaght.
(L)Andy argues with a teacher. (R)Andy gets ideas as he looks over the edge.
Andy contemplates suicide by (L) pills and (R) shooting himself.
(L)Andy slips the noose around his neck. (R)Andy's feet dangle after he's hanged himself.
This was actually made before Gary or Sam joined Low Key Productions, and it was just Andy pretending in his room. The suicide movie is a video Gary and our friend Hayden had to do as a project for school. Andy was hanging around, and Gary and Hayden didn't have anyone yet to be in the movie so Andy did it. The movie got an A (because it was so damn good) but yet it still LOST A VIDEO CONTEST TO ZACK FORREST WHO LIVES IN MARYLAND AND WHO REALLY SUCKS. Anyway, the video is about a guy who's parents are dead and he lives with some other family who doesn't like him. He thinks nothing is going right so he kills himself. Gary shot it with his Hi-8 video camera over the course of a week or two and then edited it in a video editing studio who's owner his father knows. The movie rocks, and furthermore, we rock. That's all there is to it.
(PS: I guess this means we do have pictures of Andy on the computer, but we'll just leave that sun there for now anyway.)
The Drug Video
We're not even going to get into this piece of shit. We're going to forget all about it right now. David Karlesberg made this movie, and he can't direct worth SHIT!!!
(If you want to find out more about how much David sucks, check out The Ideas
Well, that's about all that we've actually finished. Right now, Gary is editing a short action movie that he did with Andy as the super-8 cinematographer, and Andy has shot half of "Talk", which is the sequel to Fries. Sam was in both of these, and Hayden (who produced the suicide movie) and our friend Becky will both star in "Talk" with Sam and Gary. As soon as these are both finished, we'll have pictures and summaries of both, and not to mention anything that will be in the works in the near future.