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Welcome to my own wacky tribute to one of the coolest animated series of all! Summer's back!!! So check out the guys and gals of Gargoyles having fun under a summer moon!

Jade and Demonalisa From Jade Griffin's site!

Demonalisa Contributed by the imfamous Aimee Major!. Check out her art site!

Demona2New, sexier Demona pic! Check it out!

Rose Contributed by Don A Martinez. Check out his site,"The Clan Manhattan Saga"

TexasBabesChristi Smith Hyden was nice enough to contribute a pic for my site! It features her characters, Avery, Natty and Tina. Check it out!

Some of the girls got a case of anime girlie eye measales!!!

Meet the girls!


Angela and Delila

Angela and Broadway

Elisa and Golaith

In with the tides A girl Gargoyle finds something washed in from Avalon's tides!

Angela and Brooklyn

The Wierd Sisters

Brooklyn as the Big Kahuna!

Why Elisa now thinks sunbathing's a drag!

Angela moonbathing!

Sweethearts by the water

Angela's first bikiniand the reaction!

The result of a good tan!

Water too cold?

Desdemona:Before and after

Angela lets her hair down!

Naughty, naughty, Brooklyn!

Elisa as a gargoyle!


Non-Swimsuit art

No swimsuits here but more fun Gargoyle artwork!

Little Angela and Gabriel Little Angela and Gabriel putting a new spin on the old saying "If you keep making that face, it'll freeze up!"

Angela getting in touch with her heritige!or headed for a Mighty Mighty Bosstones concert!

The Tearose PageA page dedicated to an original character made up by me and two friends. Prepare to meet Puck's daughter!

MerrimackThis an another original character me and my friends created.

Heaven And Hell This is the fanfic my friend Marc based upon Merrimack and Tearose. Check it out!

What would Angela look like as a human? Check out my idea!

Mystery Gargoyles Theatre 3000 Theme! A little filksong me and my friends cooked up!

Special thanks to Christine Morgan for giving me permission to make pictures of the following characters!



Aiden and Birdie as gargoyles!


Birdie and Broadway

Aiden and Lex


Gargoyle Links

The Gargoyles Fan Website The best website for Gargoyles info,home to the Avalon Mists fanzine and the most extensive Fanfic archive on our heros of stone!

Station 8 Gargoyles Home of the ever popular Station 8 Comment and Chat rooms! You can now post questions for Greg Weisman(The creator of Gargoyles)too!

Mystery Gargoyles Theater 3000! No longer an idea! It's a site, thanks to Jade Griffith!

Raptor Woman's site One of the best Gargoyle fan artists!

Kanthara's Gargoyles Web Site The Miniclan artist and another awesome Gargoyle fan artist!

The Rockaway Home of Christi Smith Hyden and her delightful Gargoyle fanfics, awesome artwork and fun original stories!

Christine Morgan's Gargoyles Fan Fiction Home to her awesome fan fiction. Warning:Most of this stuff is for mature readers, so be careful!

The Gargoyles Saga The Gargoyles Saga is a huge fanfic project dedicated to doing a better version of the 3rd season and stories based on Greg Weisman's master plan

Artemis' Gargoyle Clan You must check this site out! Aertimis does awesome comic book quality pics of original Gargoyle characters as well as some nice Star Wars sketches to boot!

Not Ready For Commercial Radio Site This is a page I've created for an HTML class at college. Dedicted to my collection of unusual music. Check it out!

What warped twisted maniaical mind came up with this page!!!!??

Feel like contributing swimsuit pics? Or just wanna comment? E-mail me at


This page has been updated as of March 3, 1999

I Attended the GATHERING in SPIRIT

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