Welcome to Dblnut's Star Trek Season Two Fun Facts

Here are minute details for Season 2 of TNG. I'm also done with Season 1

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The Child
Ships that pass in the night USS Repulse

Where in the galaxy? They go to Odet IX to get plasma plague samples They're taking samples to science station Tango Sierra Afterwards, they go to Molgana quadrant
Super Troi She senses space sperm she reads thoughts of Ian Troi feels that people on the ship are worried
Species Life-force entity half betazoid, half human plasma plague puppies

Query! Eager Beaver?

Guests of note Dr. Pulaski O'Brien, now in xporter rm Guinan
Shuttles Cousteau, from Repulse

Quotables Data: "One is my name. The other is not."

Ginchy gadgets plasma-plague holder

Odd clothing Troi wears lacy nightie, off-the-shoulder Troi wears bluish-gray maternity outfit Troi wears blue maternity dress

Where Silence Has Lease
Where in the galaxy? They're going to the Molgana quadrant, consistent with the last episode. They enter a weird space blob

Species holo-green bug guy holo-green skull guy Nagilum
Guests of note Pulaski O'Brien

Quotables Pulaski: "Why do I get the feeling that this was the wrong time to join this ship?" Nagilum: "Please demonstrate how this is accomplished." Pulaski: "Not likely." Riker: "Yes, absolutely, I do concur, wholeheartedly." Pulaski: "It does know how to do these things, doesn't it?"
Holo pursuits Worf and Riker fight in the holodeck at the start. Holo?-Data and Holo?-Troi talk to Picard.

Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand Worf fights holo-skull Riker fights holo-bug Worf starts to attack Riker
By any other name... Holo-Troi calls Picard "Jean-Luc" Holo-Data calls Picard "Jean-Luc" that's how he knows they're fake Pulaski refers to Data as "it"
Gunplay Enterprise shoots fake Romulan ship

Ships that pass in the night fake Romulan ship fake USS Yamato

Assorted violence Ensign Haskell gets killed by Nagilum

Ship shape Riker and Picard set self-destruct self-destruct now has an adjustable countdown time

Other dimensions Nagilum makes Enterprise go through another dimension Yamato has another dimension

Elementary Dear Data
Ships that Pass in the Night USS Victory

Ginchy Gadgets Model of Victory Emerald tie-pin violin snuff box
Fire! Data smokes a pipe with real? fire

Holo Pursuits Data and Geordi go to the Holdeck to play Sherlock Holmes Pulaski goes with them later Picard joins them later Holodeck Moriarty develops sentience
Holo-Moriarty calls for the arch. Holo-Moriarty controls ship's functions from the Holodeck. Data brings paper off the holodeck. Data brings ink off the holodeck.
Odd Clothing Geordi wears brown outfit and brown hat Data wears smoking jacket and old-fashioned outfit Pulaski wears red dress and white blouse, red hat with red feather Worf wears black suit and gray gloves
Data wears gray cloak, gray suit, deerstalker hat Picard wears black suit and top hat

Where in the Galaxy? They're waiting to rendezvous with the Victory.

Super Troi Troi can sense Moriarty's consciousness

Super Data Data squeezes holocriminal's finger with super strength Data notices many facts about shoe prints Data sees the secret door Data knows who strangled the man
VISOR SNAFUS Geordi doesn't notice door right away

Species Of Note Holo-snake

Guests Of Note Pulaski Moriarty

The Outrageous Okona
Where In the Galaxy? They go to the Omega Sadula sector Planets are the Medina coalition near planet Atlek near planet Straleb
Ships that pass in the night freighter Erstwhile Atlek ship ? Straleb ship ?
Super Troi Troi reads Okona's attitude as a rogue Troi reads Debbin's mind--he's really mad Troi reads Atlekans' and Straleban's minds in the conference room
Datus Interruptus Data gives synonyms for "rogue." Troi cuts him off. Data defines "joke" for Guinan. She cuts him off. Data defines "globfly." Picard stops him.
Humor--I love it! "Tip O'Neill. Accessing." "Ah! A word that ends in K." Data practices laughing Data remembers Burns and Allen show
Odd Clothing Data wears a tux

Species of note "Atlekians" "Stralebians" Okona's species ?? Vulcan in 10-fwd
Holo Pursuits Data goes into the holodeck to practice jokes Guinan joins him later Holo-Joe Piscopo
"I am an android." Data says to Okona Data says to comic

Quotables Picard jokes to Riker about surrendering. Worf: "Grrrrr!" Wes: "Say goodbye, Data." Data: "Goodbye, Data."

The Schizoid Man
Where In the Galaxy? They quick drop off an away team on Grave's World Enterprise goes to aid of USS Constantinople Then back to Graves' World Afterwards, they go to Starbase 6
Trans-gressions Geordi executes a "near-warp transport" Troi's not too knowledgeable about it

Good Scenes Data has a beard

Guests of note Dr. Selar Dr. Pulaski

Super Troi Troi reads Ira's feelings for Corrine Troi senses Data's feelings during eulogy

Datus Interruptus Data gives Ira synonyms for desire. Ira interrupts him. Data asks Picard why he is lying on the floor. Picard cuts him off.

Musical talent Graves whistles "If I Only Had a Heart" Data (Graves) whistles "If I Only Had a Heart"

Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand Data (ira) breaks Corrine's hand Data (Ira) smacks Picard

By any other name... Data (Ira) calls Wes "boy"

Quotables Kareen: "Are you a Romulan?" Worf: "Hardly." Troi: "I thought most doctors were people." Ira: "Well, you're wrong. Ask any patient." Data: "A man for all seasons!"

Loud As a Whisper
Where In the Galaxy? They had previously been at the Lima Sierra system They start at the Ramatas system, Ramatas III They go to Soleis V
Species of note Riva and chorus, Ramatans ?? Solarians
Super Troi Troi knows that Worf is in awe of Riva Troi senses Riva's emotions Troi communicates empathically with Riva
Super Data Data learns 5 sign languages

Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski
VISOR SNAFUS Riva comments on Geordi's VISOR Pulaski offers Geordi implants almost as good as the VISOR After meeting Riva, Geordi decides to keep VISOR
Fire! Troi has candles in her quarters

Datus Interruptus Data gives a sign-language demo. Picard makes him stop.

Love in space Troi and Riva go through hanky-panky Riva kisses Troi
Gunplay Solarian shoots chorus

Unnatural Selection
Where in the Galaxy? They stop on the way to Star Station India to investigate USS Lantree They go to Darwin station on Gagarin IV They stop at Lantree to destroy it Then on to Star Station India
Guests of Note Pulaski O'Brien

Species of Note the Children Thalusian Flu

Super Troi Troi feels Picard's concern about Kate Troi knows Dr. Kingsley is lying Troi read's the child's mind (but so can about everyone else)
Trans-gressions Kate complains about scrambled atoms O'Brien can check Data for life-forms while he's beaming up O'Brien materializes Styrolite before the child Data and O'Brien cure Kate and scientists by using old DNA in the transporter
Datus Interruptus Data discusses transporter mumbo-jumbo with O'Brien. Picard cuts him off. Data tells Kate about his shuttlecraft training. She interrupts him.

Good scenes They use super-secret code to take control of Lantreee Kate makes fun of Data's bedside manner

Shuttles Data and Kate go in Shuttlecraft 01

Super Data Data figures out all about the children's immune systems Data immune to aging disease

Games beings play Children play 3-D chess

Gunplay Enterprise torpedoes Lantree

Insubordination Pulaski gets uppity with Picard. He bitches her out.

A Matter Of Honor
Where in the Galaxy? They go to Starbase 179 Riker boards Pagh They rendezvous with Pagh
Species Of Note Benzite Klingons gagh sub-atomic lifeform
Guests of note O'Brien

Gunplay Picard and Riker do phaser target practice

Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand Riker smashes Lt. Klank into console Klingon captain smacks Riker

Ships that pass in the night Klingon bird-of-prey, Pagh

The Measure Of a Man
Where in the Galaxy? They dock at Starbase 173

Games beings play Data, Kate, Riker, Geordi, Miles play poker

Guests of note Pulaski Guinan Maddox
Love in space LaVoir likes Picard They go out to dinner
By any other name... Maddox calls Data "it" Lavoir calls Data a toaster
Super Data Data bends a bar of parsteel

Assorted violence Riker takes Data's arm off Riker deactivates Data
"I Am An Android" Data tells Riker he is an android

Quotables Data: "Is it not customary to request permission before entering an individual's quarters?" Data: "I see. It is precisely because I am not human." LaVoir: "Data is a toaster. Have him report immediately to Comdr. Maddox for experimental refit."

The Dauphin
Where in the Galaxy? They go to Clavdia III They take passengers to Daled IV
Ginchy gadgets Superconducting magnet model 3

Species of note Allasomorphs Andronesian encephalitis (ok, maybe not a species)
Love in space Wes and Salia like each other Wes and Salia kiss Riker flirts with Guinan
Guests of note Guinan Pulaski
Datus Interruptus Data talks about Wes's and Salia's cell membranes. Wes stops him.

Super Troi Troi senses Anya isn't what she seems

Assorted violence Anya threatens Pulaski, Worf, Hennessy Anya wrestles Worf Salia and Anya roar at each other, scaring Wes
Holo pursuits Salia and Wes go to holodeck with asteroids Salia and Wes simulate Russo V
Troublesome little man-child Wes screws up and almost blows up warp drive Geordi kicks him out of Engineering
Quotables Worf: "Go to her door. Beg like a human." Data: "Judging by her appearance, it is likely that you and Salia are biologically compatible." Worf: "He ducks a lot."
Games beings play Wes is playing something that looks like Battleship

Where in the Galaxy? They are headed for the Neutral Zone They go to Iconia, in the Neutral Zone Afterward, back to the Federation
Species Of Note Romulans

Super Troi Troi reads Romulan's mind Troi senses subcommander Taris's distress Troi can sense the tension on the ship
Guests of note Pulaski O'Brien

Tea! Picard orders Tea, Earl Grey, hot for the first time He doesn't get it

Super Data Data throws Geordi from panel with one hand Data deciphers Iconian language Data purges virus from his system
Assorted violence Geordi gets zapped by panel Geordi gets thrown out of turbolift Data gets zapped by virus
VISOR SNAFUS Geordi gets his VISOR knocked off in the turbolift

Ships that pass in the night USS Yamato Rom warbird "cruiser" Haakona Iconian probe
Datus Interruptus Data blabs about how he deciphered Iconian language. Picard cuts him off.

Ship Shape Replicators don't work doorbell in Ready Room doesn't work phasers and photons go off and on lights go off and on
sheilds go up and down turbolift doors don't work and lift goes too fast medical stuff doesn't work commbadges don't work
He's dead, Jim Data "dies" and comes back to life

Gunplay Worf shoots tricorder Enterprise shoots probe Roms shoot probe
Other dimensions Iconian gateway goes through different dimensions

The Royale
Where In the galaxy? They are at Theta-116 VIII

Good scenes Picard and Riker talk about Fermat's last theorem (oh oh) Great music in the hotel They can't figure out elevator Worf confused by phone
Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski

Games beings play They play craps They play blackjack

Weird Revolving door goes through another dimension

Super Data Data fixes dice Data can roll dice exactly right Data reads book super fast Data cuts cards super fast
Super Troi Troi senses Riker feels amused Troi senses Riker feels trapped

Datus Interruptus Data opens his mouth to talk. Tex interrupts.

Ginchy gadgets Piece of Charybdis w/flag Space suit dice books
Odd clothing Data wears Tex's cowboy hat

Gunplay Worf shoots wall of Royale Mickey D. shoots bellboy

Quotables Data: "What sort of 'bidness' do you suppose he is getting down to?" Data: "Baby needs a new pair of shoes."

Time Squared
Where in the Galaxy? They came from Starbase 73 They're headed for the Endicor system They go through the middle of a space vortex Then back toward Endicor
Good scenes Riker makes eggs for Kate, Data, Geordi, Worf Geordi and Kate hate them Data won't try them Worf loves them
Odd... In the future, omelettes are made out of scrambled eggs

Super Troi Troi can sense instinctive consciousness in vortex Troi senses Picard 2 wants to get off the ship Troi knows Picard 1 doesn't believe he is the same person as Picard 2
Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski

Mutiny! Kate bitches to Troi about Picard being nuts. She wants to mutiny Troi disobeys Picard by sneaking out of Sickbay (to get away from Kate?) Troi sneaks back into Sickbay later
Gunplay Picard 1 shoots Picard 2

Multiplicity Two Patricks in hallway Two Patricks in turbolift Two Patricks in shuttlebay
Time Travel Picard and shuttle travel back in time 6 hours

He's dead, Jim Picard 2 gets shot and dies Everyone else on Enterprise dies in the alternate timeline

Assorted violence Picard gets zapped by vortex beam

Shuttles Picard 2 in shuttlepod El-Baz

The Icarus Factor
Where In the Galaxy? They're going to Starbase Montgomery Afterward, they go to Beta Kupsik
Super Troi Troi senses Kyle is anxious about Wil
Smartypants Wesley Wes figures out about Worf's prob
Games beings play Will and Kyle play Anbo Jyitsu Worf enjoys Klingon pain sticks
Insubordination Worf really bitchy toward Data
Guests Of Note O'Brien Pulaski
Promotions Riker is offered promotion to Captain of Aries He turns it down
Odd Clothing Riker wears red Anbo-Jyitsu outfit
Holo pursuits Wes, Data, Geordi, Worf, Kate, Miles go to holodeck for ascension ceremony
Species of Note Holo-Klingons Lion fish
Love in Space Kate hot for Kyle Kyle kisses Kate
Assorted Violence Will and Kyle bash each other with Anb0-Jyitsu sticks Worf gets it with Klingon pain sticks
Quotables Data: "Were I not a consummate professional--and an andriod--I would find this entire procedure insulting." Worf: "With all due respect, begone--sir."
Ship Shape Starbase Montgomery totally checks out Enterprise

Pen Pals
Where in the Galaxy? They are in the Selcundi Drema sector They examine Drema IV
Smartypants Wesley Wes figures out how to fix Drema IV

Species of note Dreman ?? (Sarjenka) Holo-horse
Games beings play Picard goes horseback riding

Odd Clothing Picard wears tan and beige riding habit getup

Ginchy Gadgets Elainnan singer stone rock analyzer-thingie
Holo pursuits Picard and Troi go to holodeck for horse-riding Picard goes to holodeck for horse-riding Data goes to holodeck to see Picard
Super-DUPER Troi Troi doesn't want to ride a holo-horse because she can sense its emotions

Insubordination Worf bitches at Data to clean up his stuff

Prime factors Everybody frets about Data contacting Sarjenka

Tea Picard orders Tea, Earl Grey, hot

Guests of note Pulaski O'Brien
Datus interruptus Data explains why he brought Sarjenka onto the bridge. Picard cuts him off.

Medical hocus-pocus Pulaski does memory wipe on Sarjenka

Love in space Riker has a drink with anonymous bimbo

Q Who
Where in the Galaxy? Q puts them near Borg territory Q sends them back

Guests of note Guinan Q Sonya Gomez O'Brien
Games beings play Q plays handball Guinan and Picard play 3-D chess

Species of note Q Borg

Gunplay Worf shoots Borg twice Worf tries to shoot second Borg Borg shoots cutting beam at Enterprise Borg ship shoots Enterprise with shield-draining bombs
Enterprise shoots phasers at Borg ship Enterprise shoots photons at Borg ship

Assorted violence Q and Guinan threaten each other

Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand Security guy jumps on Borg Borg smacks him

Super Troi Troi can sense what the Borg is thinking

Shuttles Q and Picard are in Shuttle 06

Supernatural stuff Qgets shuttle and kidnaps Picard Q cleans Picard's uniform Q transports them to Borg space Q sends them back
Good scenes Geordi talks with klutzy Ensigs Gomez Gomez spills hot chocolate on Picard

Medical hocus-pocus
Samaritan Snare
Where in the Galaxy? Enterprise is going to Epsilon IX, but sends shuttle to Starbase 515 Enterprise goes to Rhomboid Dronegar sector 006 Enterprise goes to Starbase 515 Afterward, they head for Epsilon sector again
Shuttles Wes and Picard go in Shuttle 01 Wes calls it shuttle 2, but it says 01 on it

Species of note Pakleds

Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski Gomez
Super Troi Troi senses Pakleds are nasty Troi knows Geordi is afraid

Ginchy gadgets Picard has an artificial heart Geordi fixes Mondor with lit-up curling iron crimson force field
Gunplay Grebnedlog stuns Geordi

Ships that pass in the night Pakled ship Mondor

Quotables "We are Pakleds. Our ship is the Mondor. It is broken." "He is smart." "We look for things." "Things we need. Things to make us go."
Picard gets heart replacement Pulaski is the only doctor in the whole galaxy who can do procedure

Up the Long Ladder
Where in the galaxy? They start at starbase 73 They go to Ficus sector first planet Bringloid, then planet Mariposa
Species of note pig Raopak-N'Gor (Klingon measles) lamb cow
ducks chickens goats sheep
Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski

Super Troi Troi can tell Wilson Granger is hiding something

Super Geordi Geordi can tell the clones are lying

Love in space Riker and Brynna hot for each other Riker and Brynna kiss Riker and Brynna (probably) have sex Brynna likes Wilson
Datus Interruptus Data blabs about spinning wheels. Picard stops him.

Notable scenes Pulaski and Worf do the Klingon tea ceremony

Musical talent Bringloidi plays the concertina

Gunplay clones stun Kate and Will with amnesia beam Riker shoots his and Kate's clones

Assorted violence clones suck cells out of Will and Kate

Quotables Worf: "She is very much like a Klingon woman!" Worf: "How shall I live down the humiliation?" Kate: "Klingons don't faint." Worf: "Madam, have you ever considered a career in security?" "If it's anythin' like babysittin', I'm an authority."
Ship shape They now have a fire-suppression system It was apparently installed after Loud As a Whisper

Where in the galaxy? They are at Antide III They take diplomats to Pacifica

Species of note Antedians Betazoids

Guests of note Lwaxana Mr. Homm O'Brien Pulaski
Super Troi Deanna senses Lwaxana is on shuttle Deanna and Lwaxana communicate telepathically Lwaxana senses Antedians have ultritium
Fire! Lwaxana has candles in her room Picard smokes in holodeck. Might be holoflame. Picard uses either lighter or hololighter
Weird alien customs Mr. Homm plays prayer gong

Holo pursuits Picard escapes Lwaxana in Dixon Hill program Data and Riker join him Lwaxana barges in
Datus interruptus Data tells Picard anecdotes. Picard interrupts him.

Love in space Lwaxana hot for Picard Lwaxana ogles Wes and Worf Lwaxana gets engaged to Riker Lwaxana gets engaged to Rex
By any other name... Lwaxana calls Worf "Mr. Woof"

Odd clothing Picard and Riker wear dress uniforms with tights Picard wears gray hat, trenchcoat, black suit Data wears light outfit and tan hat
Humor...I love it! Data laughs about Lwaxana

Trans-gressions Transporter unable to scan for ultritium

The Emissary
Where in the galaxy? They go to near the Baradas system

Species of note Klingons feathered holomonster green skull hologuy half-Klingon, half-human
Guests of note K'Eylehr Pulaski O'Brien
Games beings play Data, Geordi, Kate, Riker, and Worf play poker Worf and K'Eylehr do holoexercising

Super Data Data shuffles cards fast Data deals fast

Ships that pass in the night class-VIII probe Klingon ship T'Ong

...Where credit is due They seem to be betting money in poker game

Holo pursuits K'Eylehr goes to holodeck to exercise Worf joins her

Love in space Worf and K'Eylehr "hold hands" Klingon-style Worf and K'Eylehr have sex Worf wants to marry K'Eylehr
Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand Worf and K'Eylehr fight but maybe this should be under the sex heading?

Peak Performance
Where in the galaxy? They go to Braslota to meet Hathaway Afterward, they go to "the nearest Starbase" for repair

Species of note Zakdorn Ferengi

Ships that pass in the night Ferengi ship Cricta Fake Romulan ship Fake Federation ship USS Hathaway
Smartypants Wesley He beams over some antimatter

Games beings play Riker and Sirna Kohlrami play Strategema. Kohlrami wins. Data and Sirna Kohlrami play Strategema. Kohlrami wins. War games between Hathaway and Enterprise Data and Kohlrami have a rematch of Strategema. They tie.
Ship shape Ferengi fuse Enterprise weapons in simulation mode Ferengi blow up transporter

Ginchy gadgets Sculpture Worf is making out of swizzle sticks Statue of famous Klingon brothers fiber optic cables Wes's antimatter experiment
Scenes of note Data takes some time off. Picard bitches him out.

Shades Of Gray
Where in the galaxy? they are at Cerrato IV

Trans-gressions Riker can''t beam up without a medical override for germs

Guests of note O'Brien Pulaski

Species of note poisonous plant

Super Data Data uses super speed to catch plant Data uses super strength to hold poison plant

Super Geordi Geordi sees spectral variations in plant

Gunplay Geordi shoots plant

ginchy gadgets Neural stimulator

Altered states Episodes Riker experiences: The last outpost encounter at farpoint the dauphin the icarus factor
justice 11001001 angel one up the long ladder
skin of evil the child a matter of honor conspiracy
symbiosis the last outpost skin of evil 11001001
heart of glory (including Picard talking to Yar on the bridge when Riker wasn't there) conspiracy the last outpost symbiosis
conspiracy 11001001 the naked now skin of evil
a matter of honor 11001001 loud as a whisper a matter of honor
11001001 unnatural selection 11001001 heart of glory (including the ship blowing up, which Riker didn't see)
conspiracy 11001001 the naked now skin of evil (audio only)