Sound Gallery

Here I will have .WAV files from the movie. They will be organized by character. Please do not take my files, I spent alot of time making them. You may have to turn up the volume to hear these files, even though I recorded them at full volume, they are still rather quiet. The quality of the files aren't perfect, so please excuse any small imperfections. Enjoy!


"I promised Dallen I'd keep Hen safe. I have to go."

"But, don't you see? If we destroy the Cauldron, it will stop the Horned King! Please, come with me."

"Eilonwy, you and Fflewddur go with Gurgi. I must stop the Cauldron."

"If I don't we're all lost! Out of my way!"

Princess Eilonwy

"Let's get out of here before they come back."

"How will we ever find the Black Cauldron in a place like this?"

"Oh, but Taran that's impossible...why you'd be..TARAN?!?"

"Oh, Fflewddur, Fflewddur! He's alive!"


"Oooooooo! Great Prince! Give poor starving Gurgi munchings and crunchings! Nice apple!"

"Me? Go in there? Oh, no, no, no! It's a terrible place!"

Fflewddur Fflam

"Let me down you brute!"

"Why didn't you tell me you had a magic sword?!?!"

"Help! Murder! Hurry!"

The Horned King

"Throw the boy into the dungeon!"



"Gotcha Pig-boy! I caught him, your Majesty! I caught the boy!"

"It wasn't my fault!!"

"Everything is ready, sire. Hehe..."





"Is that one of my new jobs? Remembering where the Cauldron was last seen? Ha, ha! Geez!"

King Eidilleg

Back to the Cauldron!