The Unofficial
Rachel Weisz


Viewers' Comments
(Some of the e-mail I got about these pages)

Please Note:
When you send me an e-mail about this site, I keep the right of publicising your message (or part of it), unless you specifically state that you don't want me to... Your e-mail address can be kept secret, but only under your request.

Subject: (no subject)
Date: 3 Jul 1999 10:19

Hi there :) I have a few questions concerning Rachel Weisz and I was wondering if you could help answer them for me. I really don't know to whom I should ask these questions because, unfortunately, I haven't been able to find that much about Rachel Weisz on the internet.  But if you can't help, that's ok :)

1. Is there any type of Rachel Weisz mailing list on the internet where fans can inform each other of tv appearances/magazine articles, work out trades, or just be able to discuss Ms. Weisz together?

2. Is there any possible way to get past tv appearances/shows or magazine articles? I live in the U.S. and there's not much Weisz promotion here it seems :(  I'd really love to be able to see her in any interviews because I haven't been exposed to her personality at all and I'd like to see more of what she's like as a person instead of an actress.

3. What are the best Rachel Weisz websites?

Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much :)

Webmaster's note: To my knowledge, there are no Rachel mailing lists. In this update I have managed to fix the Interviews link that caused so many problems and I believe you all can read her words. As for the best Rachel site, mine excluded out of pure modesty, it is (or rather was, since it seems  no longer accessible) Saperman's site.

Subject: Rachel Weisz website
Date: 25 Jun 1999 20:26

The site is great, when can you show some photos of  The Mummy because she's looking damn fine. Also, the photo where she is dressed in period costume comes from where?

Yours sincerely,
Chris Baker

Webmaster's note: I think you are referring to the pictures from  "Scarlett and Black" ... Be more specific please

Subject: About your great site...
Date: 17 Jun 1999 22:29


First, I must say that your site is GREAT! It's too bad that there aren't more sites like this about Rachel.
I wanted to purpose that maybe you should try to contact her (Through her agency or something),
and turn your site to her OFFICIAL site, with it's own address, and you as webmaster.

I hope you'll get this massege and answer me!


Webmaster's note: My dear Roee, I feel flattered by your comments, but I have a feeling that you say this to every Rachel Weisz webmaster :>>>>

Subject: About  Rachel Weisz...
Date: 1 Jun 1999 08:03

Hi, I'm E-mailing from Guatemala, Central America.

It's a pity I didn't noticed Rachel Weisz before.  As I've seen her in "Swept from the Sea" and "The Mummy", she is a very charming and beautiful actress.  She gives you the sensation that you have to protect her and cherish her.   I love her British accent.  Congratulations for your website. I guess Rachel will feel flattered of your gesture.  Go on, and continue your task.

Webmaster's note: Hello to Guatemala from Greece, on the other side to the planet... I'd really love to know that Rachel is even aware of this site :>

Subject: Rachel Weisz
Date: 1 Jun 1999 00:12

You have just made my heart beat faster with your web site of Rachel. "Astonishing"  is the right word to describe her beauty!
Her eyes are just so magnetic.  I can't forget that light in her eyes after seeing her for the first in the  the movie The Mummy.  Thank you and please post more pictures of this captivating and most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.
-- James Laurico

Subject: Hi baby
Date: 26 May 1999 19:14 

hi baby it's me ermac again. I saw of couple of pictures of you in the web. Man those pictures of you are very sexy and hot. You look so cute in all the pictures but I like the one that is in page 2 of your images
Nuscan. Alright this is about for now.

Ps YOu looked so gorgeous in the Mummy

Your fan,

Webmaster's note: Well, Rachel isn't bound to answer to this message anytime soon, since these are UNOFFICIAL pages and I don't think that Rachel even knows of their existence... Nice try though! :>

Subject: <none>
Date: 20 May 1999 23:12

hey rachel I email you last time what happen you did not write back I hope you don't have a boyfriend, cause  then i really be mad, just kidding. Bye

Webmaster's note: One of the most rewarding stuff when you maintain a fan page is the messages you can get! :>

Subject: Rachel
Date: 17 May 1999 14:29

I  just saw The Mummy and I think I'm in love.  Wow, Rachel is something else.  Cool site and thanks for the pics!


Webmaster's note: Rachel is indeed somthing else... Thanks for your kind words mate!

Subject: HI
Date: 19 May 1999 06:50 

I've been to your webpage about rachel wiesz, last weekend i saw the mummy and it was wicked good, w/ the cute hotty brendan fraser, but i've noticed rachel, at first i didn't know what to think of her, and i didn't
know who she was, but her nice accent and beauty soon won me over, so i went to find out more about her, i was surprised at how many people visited your page, but i didn't fidn anything about the mummy there, u should update, the mummy is an awesome movie

Webmaster's note: Better late than never, these pages are now updated. The main reason for this delay is that "The Mummy" is bound to open in Greece next September, so I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. However, these pages will remain focused to Rachel and not to her movies.

Subject: <none>
Date: 19 May 1999 06:50 

Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much for this site!  Rachel is definitely one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL women on Earth.  The first time I saw her was in Chain Reaction.  I thought she was gorgeous, but never found out her name and wanted to so much.  About three years later, actually,
yesterday, I saw The Mummy.  When I found out that she was also in Chain Reaction, I felt that fate was on my side.  Just thought I would say thanks and tell you my feelings about the lovely Rachel Weisz.

Also, two things.  Do you know anyway I could send her some fan mail?  I haven't found her e-mail (if there is one), so could you help me?  One more thing, in your "Factfile" section, you say that she's born in 1971, I think.   I saw at that she was born in 1973.  I don't know which is the real one.

Thanks again very much.  I appreciate the site, she needs more Internet recognition.


Webmaster's note: You can send some fan mail to Rachel in the addresses I have published in the 'Factfile' page. As for Rachel's year of birth, I'm still trying to find a reliable source to believe. For the moment I'll stick with the IMDB.

Subject: resembles
Date: 17 May 1999 06:18 

I was just wondering if you knew if Kate Winslet was her sister? They look  alot a like and i read on Kates page that her sister was also an actress.  
If you know anything about this please email me back.

Webmaster's note: To my knowledge, Rachel and Kate are not related...

Subject: Fanatic of you
Date: 13 May 1999 22:58 

Hey how are you doing? Fine I hope. Any let's get to the point here, i like the Mummy it's a good movie. You are a good actress and cute. I liked the part when you messed up the library.(Clumsy). Where do live?
Any other scary movies you acted in. Alright this is about it.

Bye Rachel Weisz
Please Write Back if you can!!

P.S. I really want to hear from you

Webmaster's note: Well, Rachel isn't bound to answer to this message either Ermac :>

Subject: Hi
Date: 12 May 1999 01:46
"laughton "

Hi, Rachel I hope u get this e-mail because I would really enjoy hearing from you. If u do decide to talk with me, this is my e-mail address;

Webmaster's note: Let's all hope Rachel reads your address through these pages, because your message never had a chance until now :>

Subject: Rachel Weisz page
Date: 11 May 1999 18:37

Nice little shrine!

This woman is one of the few actresses whose faces just absolutely melt

She's so adorable and sensual and womanly and sophisticated, ... yiker,
I feel an infatuation coming on ...

Thanks for the delightful gallery of photos!
Andy Wright

Subject: Rachel Weisz
Date: 11 May 1999 04:18

love the work you did for this page. did you get a chance to see her in the mummy?
your page is well organized and includes many of the interest your average surfer would like to view.
keep up the good work. just thought you would like to know there are surfers who appreciate the work you do. you're right. she is a babe.


Webmaster's note: Messages like this, make me terribly ashamed of the site's infrequent updates... Thanx to all of you who sent me kind words for these pages

Subject: Mummy
Date: 10 May 1999 06:30
"laughton "

I really like this web page, I think rachel Weisz is very attractive. I fisrt saw her in the Mummy. I told one of my friewnds about her and they said she wasnt that goodlooking and i said what are u nuts she is
gorgeous. I wonder if i could obtain her email address so i can write to her and maybe get to know her a little better. If u do hook me up the her email address i will be deeply satisfied.         

Thnx a bunch

Webmaster's note: I'm not sure that Rachel even has an email address... Even if I had it though, I'd only give it out after her consent.

Subject: Rachel Weisz (who else but her)
Date: 10 May 1999 10:56

Well i better right this before all the other people of this world send you a email about Rachel. Well i just saw "The mummy" yesterday(5/9/99),and today(5/10/99) i thought it was a awesome movie.
Rachel's talent was put to good use in that movie. To tell you the truth that was when i first recognized her. then when i came to your site i saw she in was in all those movies. But hey i just wanted to send you a email before everyone else did. I just wish i knew her email addy (As do all other normal people). hey by the way, i also think she sould have her own "Official web site".It stinks that such a beautiful and talented woman doesn't have one. Well take care and keep up the good work on this site.

Love ya Rachel....or Miss Weisz.

Aaron Sincoski

Webmaster's note: It seems that despite his speed, Aaron lost the first place as some people saw the film before him! :> As for the official site, I'd really enjoy visiting an official Rachel page, but only if it wasn't stuffed with "click here" banners as so many of those official sites are...

Subject: mummy movie
Date: 9 May 1999 16:15
< address withheld  >

I just saw the movie "The Mummy" and I must say wow!  I thought she was hot.  And I thought to myself...wait..haven't I seen her before?  So when I got home I looked it up and found your page.  Too bad I only found one site.  She was in Chain Reaction.  How weird.  I didn't really notice.  And she was in
Stealing Beauty!  And all the time I thought it was Liv Tyler.  Guess I should watch the movie now.  Keep up the good work!

Webmaster's note: Well, you're not alone... I hadn't noticed her in Chain Reaction either! :>

Subject: Rachel Weisz
Date: 8 May 1999 23:18
< address withheld >

Rachel Weisz has become one of my favorite actresses. I just saw the movie "Mummy" last night with a couple of friends and that is how I came to learn of this stunning woman. Seeing her in that film is what prompted me to look for a web page on her. She is very beautiful and talented. Her beauty and acting really made the movie all the more enjoyable to watch. I cannot belive there are not enough websites dedicated to her. I believe this will now change once people see the "Mummy." It is a truly spectucular film and she is sure to receive the fame and recognition that will undoubtedly come her way. I was glad to find your page and I hope you continue to update it.


Subject: My summer with Des
Date: 26 Apr 1999 04:07

Great web page mate,
                                anyway ill cut to the chase you dont have My Summer With Des on tape or kno if it will ever be repeated as i think it is possibly the best short film ive seen
  please reply
                         A Big Rachel Weisz Fan

Webmaster's note: Look for it on the telly during a major football event, maybe next year's Euro

Subject: Thank you
Date: 20 Apr 1999 15:08

Hat's off to you!! I think you have a great Rachel site. This is thie biggest collection of picks I have ever seen.  I really like the backgrounds too. Good work. Just thought I should let you know.

Subject: Rachel's Birthday
Date: 1 Apr 1999 03:23

Rachel Wiesz was born on 7 March 1970.


Webmaster's note: This is another unofficial birthdate I have received... As I've said I'll stick with the one from the IMDB

Subject: Rachel Weisz!
Date: 6 Feb 1999 00:51

I have just made Rachel Weisz fan page, called Rachel Weisz Paradise ( I love your Rachel page! Can you please link me?
Also, feel free to sign my guestbook and use my message board.

Love, Daisy.

Webmaster's note: Still waiting for your images section Daisy :>

Subject: Your Rachel Weisz website
Date: 29 Dec 1998 22:09

Hi -

I have seen Rachel Weisz mentioned in movie magazines but had never actually seen her in a movie until last night, when I rented 'Swept From the Sea'.  I was instantly captivated!  Really from the very first
scene, where she and Ian McKellan exchange uneasy glances.  So I was very happy to find your website.

You have many beautiful photos of her.  Gee, she sure has posed for a lot of cheesecakey type of photos, hasn't she?  That's a bit disappointing when young actresses resort to that to get attention. (I'm a straight female so, while I do enjoy seeing photos of her, I am not leering at any of them and am skipping the more overtly come-hither ones altogether.)

Anyway I just wanted to compliment your website.  I love the water droplets!   After seeing 'Swept From the Sea'  I can say there is definitely something symbolic there - perhaps her Zodiac sign is a water
sign!!  (By the way, more biographical information would be very nice of you could get it.)  I understand the psycho-sexual symbiology of water, but I think there is also something a little bit - I don't know -
mystical(?) about it, too.  Anyway it's nice.

Thanks again for the lovely website.  Rachel struck me as having a compelling presence onscreen and I plan to rent 'Land Girls' soon, perhaps tonight!  : )

Take care,
Eponine T.

Webmaster's note: I don't know Rachel's sign (you see I don't have a reliiable source to obtain her birthday) but I can assure you that the water droplets on the left of the background were not put as a symbol... Perhaps it has to do something with my sign, though  I had never thought of it that way :>


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