This ring was designed to help people who like movies find good
page with movies. This ring is for anyone who has a movie or movie star
related page. If you don't think you fit in these two simple guidelines
the go to WEB RING and find a ring you
fit in. Anyone who fits these two guidelines may join The Movie King Ring.
1. You must sign up
You will get the HTML code after you submit your site to the queue.
If you need it here is a generic html code you will need it put your ID# and E-mail address on it.
Or if you are not good with html E-mail me at
Your site will not be added to the ring if the HTML code is not correctly on your page.
Note: If The Movie King Ring HTML code isn't added correctly to your site 7 days after it has
been in the queue, your site will be removed from the queue.
Now you must e-mail a member and tell them to add you. In your e-mail tell them your e-mail address, site ID number, and your page location.
If they like your page they will add you.
There are three thing you must do to join the ring.
2. You must add the proper HTML code to you page
3. You must get a member to add your site
The Movie King Ring
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