Dan Bailey

about me

I am Dan Bailey and I run multiple homepages.I started building pages in 1996 and continue to do so now.My first page(now extinct) was a (mediocre) Nirvana fan page (which may be resurrected soon) that I built with Anglefire.It was soon after that I realized there was a zillion other Nirvana pages and I had no reason of promoting or updating the the weak page.I then made a decsion to build a page about my favorite radio show Mancow's Morning Madhouse. I started out slowly and poorly but soon I had a decent page put together I scanned a few pictures had a friend build a logo and the page looked pretty nice.Around the same time I started a page for Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda it wasn't very good either and so I let a friend take it over (as of Halloween 1997 I'm am doing some of the work on updating it.).I currently have a few new sites and idea's in the works.Also I go into the worlds coolest chat at Firefly.I and my freind who came up with the Idea and started it also have a fairly old page about the forgotten film The Black Cauldron.(I do most of the work I am better at HTML)

Links to other sites on the Web

MancowLand my Mancow page.
Firefly Chat
Free E-mail at Hotmail
people I know on the web
The Black Cauldron.
The Secret legend of Zelda page.

A little more about me for those who may be intrested.
Favorite Movie:Clerks. (Also The Star Wars Trilogy is an honorable mention.)

Favorite TV show:The Simpsons.

Favorite food:I don't know maybe Burgers,Maybe Pizza,I haven't decided.

Favorite passtime:Sleep.

Favorite Music:Nirvana,Also Metallica and Tom Petty are Really cool.

Those who know me Remember these important things
I am the only talking Mime
Old Navy Sucks
It's never time to flip
Let's NOT dig!
Nothing is better than the Mona Lisa
What about Primo?
Douglas Furr the singing Christmas Tree will burn in HELL!
My name's not Elmo don't tickle me there!
Yes that is a skyscraper in my pocket and no I'm not glad to see you.
I most go my spider sense is tingling.
Did somebody call for a webslinger?
Go bye bye

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Bu$h $uck$!

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