The Great Gildersleeve



Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve            Hal Peary
Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve -all Shows after (9/6/53)-
                                        Willard Waterman 
Leroy Forrester, his nephew             Walter Tetley
Majorie Forrester, his niece            Lurene Tuttle
Judge Hooker                            Earle Ross
Birdie Lee Coggins, The maid            Lillian Randolph
Peavey, The druggist                    Richard Legrand
Floyd, The barber                       Arthur Bryan


Peavey..Well,  now, Mr.Gildersleeve. I wouldn't say that.

8/31/41         Gildy leaves Wistful Vista and moves to Summerfield  
9/7/41          Settling Down in Summerfield 
2/22/42         Selling the Drug Store 
3/1/42          Swami Gildersleeve 
3/15/42         One of the 10 Best-Dressed 
3/29/42         Letters to Servicemen 
4/25/42         The Goat 
5/3/42          Ship Christing 
5/10/42         The Mystery Voice 
5/17/42         College Chum Comes to Visit 
5/31/42         Testimonial Dinner for Judge Hooker 
6/7/42          The Sneezes 
6/14/42         Summerfield Little Theatre Group 
6/21/42         Father's Day Chair 
6/28/42         In Love 
8/30/42         Vacation 
10/4/42         Planting a Tree 
10/11/42        First Cold Snap 
10/18/42        The Water Commissioner 
10/25/42        First Day on The Job 
11/22/42        Thanksgiving and Rationing 
11/29/42        Gildy and the Opera Star 
12/6/42         The Toothache 
12/20/42        Christmas with the Gildersleeves 
1/10/43         Gildy engaged 
1/17/43         Woman's club speech 
1/24/43         Sabotage in Summerfield (Town Fire)
1/31/43         New fire engine 
2/7/43          Leila's Sister 
3/14/43         Income Tax Time 
3/28/43         Springtime in Summerfield 
4/4/43          Auto Repairs 
4/25/43         Leroy's Easter Rabbits 
5/9/43          The Wedding Suit 
5/16/43         Leila and Gildy go house-hunting 
5/23/43         A Job for Leroy 
6/7/43          Gildy's Sneeze Attack 
6/13/43         Honeymoon Preparations 
6/27/43         Gildy and Leila at the Altar 
8/22/43         Gilldy at Grass Lake 
9/26/43         Leila returns 
11/14/43        Rejected 
12/27/43        Leroy's Chemistry Set 
1/9/44          Hospitalized 
1/16/44         Income tax time 
1/23/44         Love returns 
1/30/44         Aspiring actress 
3/19/44         Mayor Gildersleeve 
4/9/44          Colonel White 
5/14/44         Who's kissing Leila? 
5/21/44         City picnic 
5/28/44         Campaign headquarters 
6/4/44          Eve's mother visits 
6/11/44         Picnic with Eve 
6/18/44         Gildy runs for Mayor 
7/2/44          Gildy loses his job 
10/1/44         Selling the house 
10/8/44         Boys club 
10/15/44        Looking for a job 
10/22/44        Gildy, out of a job, waits for important call
10/29/44        Gildy has a chance to get his job back 
1/4/45          Who is engaged to who? 
1/14/45         Who is engaged to who? 
2/4/45          Aunt Hattie visits 
2/4/45          Aunt Hattie visits 
2/18/45         Aunt Hattie extends her visit
2/25/45         War Department 
3/11/45         Woman's Group Chairman 
3/25/45         Old flame back in town 
4/8/45          Gildy's pet pig 
4/22/45         Leila is throwing a party 
4/29/45         Neighborhood spat 
5/6/45          Boy Problems 
5/13/45         The new boy in town 
5/20/45         Windfall at the house 
5/27/45         Gildy needs a secretary
6/3/45          Gildy hires Leila 
6/10/45         It's time to settle down
6/17/45         Neighborhood party 
9/2/45          A trip to Grass Lake 
9/9/45          Leroy gets a new teacher 
9/16/45         Leroy is expelled 
9/23/45         Leila returns 
9/30/45         Talent in the family 
10/7/45         Univited status 
10/14/45        Debt to pay 
10/21/45        Leila's new friend 
10/28/45        Peavey's wife is ill 
11/4/45         Leroy is a problem 
11/11/45        Homemaking class 
11/18/45        Jolly Boys break up 
11/25/45        The football game 
12/2/45         Town opera 
12/9/45         Opera committee 
12/16/45        A night at the opera 
12/23/45        Christmas cheer 
12/30/45        New Year's Eve blues 
3/31/46         Doomsday approaches 
4/7/46          Annual estate report 
4/14/46         The bank robber 
4/21/46         The petition 
4/28/46         Leroy wants a horse 
5/26/46         Recollections of Leila 
6/9/46          The Jolly Boys picnic 
9/25/46         Singing for the P.T.A. 
10/2/46         Leila's big announcement 
10/9/46         The broken heart 
10/16/46        Early retirement 
10/23/46        Short of money 
10/30/46        Real estate 
11/6/46         The slumber party 
11/13/46        The pretty lady 
11/20/46        Bad study habits 
11/27/46        Birdie's vacation 
12/4/46         The adopted baby 
12/11/46        The big bully 
12/18/46        Leroy's scooter 
12/25/46        Christmas program 
1/1/47          New Year's party 
1/8/47          Leila, the married woman 
1/15/47         Sleigh ride 
1/22/47         Dancing class 
1/29/47         The new boyfriend 
2/5/47          The magazine salesman 
2/12/47         The new executive 
2/19/47         The substitute secretary
2/26/47         Rid of Bessie 
3/5/47          Larry Lake, the crooner 
3/12/47         Leroy and Craig arrested 
3/19/47         Guarding the money 
3/26/47         The first day of spring 
4/9/47          The cradle robber 
5/7/47          Leroy has the left-out blues 
5/14/47         Mr. Peavey is M.I.A. 
5/21/47         Gildy goes to school with Leroy
5/28/47         Pervus tries to sell Giidy insurance 
6/4/47          Gildy treats Leroy to movie, forgets court 
9/10/47         The big heel 
9/17/47         The systematic team 
9/24/47         Bessie's love problems 
10/1/47         Gildy teaches Leroy money mgmt 
12/24/47        Gildy gets Leroy a dog for Christmas
1/7/48          Gildy falls in love 
1/21/48         ELECTION MISchief 
2/4/48          MAYOR for A DAY- 
2/11/48         WOUNDED vanity 
2/18/48         SWEET ADEline 
2/25/48         BE KIND TO BIRDIE - 
3/3/48          LEROY'S MAGICAL DATE - 
3/17/48         DUEUWC OVER ADEUNE - 
3/24/48         NO WOMEN ALLOWED - 
3/31/48         Gildy to speak on the radio 
4/7/48          Who is Gildy's secretary? 
4/14/48         Marjorie has a crush on her French teacher
4/21/48         Baseball diamond 
4/21/48         THE SECRETARY SCANDAL - 
4/28/48         Gildy and Adeline's 2-month anniversary 
4/28/48         IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT - 
5/5/48          Gildy takes Leroy fishing
5/5/48          FISH TALES - 
5/12/48         Gildy plays hooky from work 
5/12/48         OUT COLD- 
5/19/48         Gildy suspects Adeline is running around 
5/19/48         GREEN wrm ENVY - 
5/26/48         Test drive 
5/26/48         THE CAR THAT BACKFIRED - 
6/2/48          Mayor catches Gildersleeve relaxing at the office 
6/2/48          Gildy IS FIRED - 
9/15/48         NEEDED: 1 NICE HANNY-
9/18/48         Malfeasance in the office 
9/22/48         SAY CHEEEE-
9/28/48         BABY nEEDS A NAME - 
10/6/48         WELFARE WORRIES - 
10/13/48        HURRYING Hattie HOME - 
10/27/48        BACHELOR BLUB - 
10/30/48        ADOPTION DILEMMA- 
11/3/48         SECRET ENGAGEMENT - 
12/1/48         Leroy's Holiday Job
12/8/48         Disappearing gifts 
12/15/48        Economy for Christmas 
12/22/48        Family Christmas 
12/29/48        Gildy doesn't want to get married 
1/5/49          Cutting costs 
1/12/49         Good neighbor policy 
1/19/49         Leroy has a toothache 
1/26/49         New blood in the water department 
2/2/49          Adeline's new hat shop 
2/9/49          Grand Opening 
2/16/49         Leila returns again 
2/23/49         Taking up singing 
3/2/49          Leroy's girlfriend 
3/9/49          Gildy's horse 
3/16/49         Leroy's new competition
3/23/49         New secretary 
4/13/49         Town circus 
4/20/49         The detective set 
4/27/49         The prowler 
5/4/49          Honoring Gildersleeve 
5/11/49         The millionaire friend 
5/18/49         Marjorie's invitation 
9/28/49         Gildy dials a wrong number and falls in love with voice 
10/5/49         Gildy goes on a double date with Marjorie 
10/26/49        Gildy's girlfriend and young doctor? 
11/2/49         More trouble with young doctor 
4/5/50          The apartment 
4/12/50         The billygoat 
5/24/50         Real estate saleman 
6/7/50          Houseboat 
6/14/50         Vacation plans 
6/14/50         Harold Peary's last show as Gildy 

9/6/50          Willard Waterman's first show as Gildy 
9/6/50          Marjorie is pregnant 
9/20/50         Secretary search 
9/20/50         Secretary search 
9/27/50         Piano lessons 
10/4/50         Community Chest fund drive 
10/18/50        Gildy's new suit  
10/25/50        Son of Summerfield 
11/11/50        Gildersleeve may lose his job 
4/18/51         Leroy is in love 
4/25/51         Leroy's pony 
6/25/52         Complaint department 
7/2/52          July Fourth speech 
2/18/53         Girl trouble 
2/25/53         Great Dane and Peavey 
3/4/53          Extra help 
3/11/53         Leroy moves out! 
3/18/53         The jam session 
3/25/53         The rummage sale 
4/1/53          Easter sunrise service 
4/8/53          Mayor's son
4/15/53         Boy's club 
4/22/53         Marjorie and Bronco fight 
4/29/53         Babbling Brook Water Co. 
5/6/53          Anniversary present 
5/20/53         Theme paper 
5/27/53         The witness 
12/2/53         Christmas shopping 
12/9/53         Two dates the same night!
                Gildy ponders life 
                The end-of-the-month water bills!
                Gildersleeve's bad day 

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