- *** One of John Hughes true classics. Everyone loves this movie. I really love the flavor of 80's movies (READ MY REVIEW OF MALLRATS), and it's a shame that flavor died out in the whiny 90's. Ferris (a very lucky fun-seeking senior at high school) decides to take a beautiful school day off, because, "How can they expect us to handle school on a day like today?" He drags his girlfriend, and way too uptight friend along for the ride. They have a fun-filled day filled with John Hughes humor. (YOU SHOULD REALY READ MY REVIEW OF MALLRATS) His too uptight friend, Cameron learns a few lessons about living, and together they make an inseparable friendship. A really, really fun movie. They don't make em like this anymore. If you live in Chicago like moi, there's lots of extra bonuses. If you haven't seen this movie (and a lot of others on my list), you've been living in the dark. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you might miss it."
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