- **1/2 Features an all-star cast- Brad Pitt, Robet De Niro, Kevin Bacon, etc. This movie starts out great and stays good until the final third. Boys growing up in inner city make a stupid mistake and end up sharing a year of their friendship in juvenile correction center. While in there, they are subject to ceaseless rapings and terrorizing from guards (Kevin Bacon being one of them). My favorite actor in this movie was Robert De Niro, who did an excellent job playing an open, friendly priest who protects the boys. Once out of the place, the kids grow up- two of them become criminals. The two criminals one day run into Kevin Bacon again. I don't want to tell what happens from there, but it has to do with revenge. From here, the movie could've been a lot better, but it wasn't. Supposedly based on a true story, so I can't really comment on its plot, can I? So, good to see for great acting and characters. Plus, a taste of sweet revenge, which could've been better done. Joe Bob sez check it out.
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