john mellencamp

ah, i suppose if you have stumbled upon this page you must be somewhat familiar with the talented mr. mellencamp's work. if not, get yourself a copy of the best that i could do, dance naked, scarecrow, or something similar and listen to my favorite artist in all the universe. jm has released numerous albums, beginning with chestnut street incident and most recently, his greatest hits album. he also directed and starred in the movie falling from grace (miss rose is wishing she paid more attention in english class- she doesn't know when to use italics and when to underline and when to put things in quotation marks!!!) and the soundtrack of the same title which miss rose has been trying to get ahold of for awhile now, but unfortunately it is out of print (or whatever you call soundtracks that are no longer being produced). this frustrates her, but do not despair, she shall recover! yes, thank you aged p. for your concern. (nod nod)

miss rose regrets greatly also that she has never seen jm in concert, while she would give nearly anything (including aged p.) to go see him, she just can't seem to convince anyone to leave the state to go to a concert. (miss rose is unfortunately not yet of the age to drive to other states- or at all, for that matter!)

the best that i could do 1978-1988

track list: 1. i need a lover 2. ain't even done with the night 3. hurts so good 4. jack and diane 5. crumblin' down 6. pink houses 7. authority song 8. lonely ol' night 9. small town 10. r.o.c.k. in the u.s.a. 11. paper in fire 12. cherry bomb 13. check it out 14. without expression

by the way, his most recent single is without expression- call in your local radio stations & request it!

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