
This page is for information on great contests hosted by the "lovin' Leo web page" so if you want to enter a contest, all you have to do is visit the page. No clubs, and no money are involved. Just you and your e-mail.

Now is your chance to get involved and win some great prizes. This is our current contest.

It's easy, all you have to do is send me your thoughts, poems or writings about Leo. That's all there is too it After I recive your entrie, I will read it and then possibly post it on the page. The best entry will win. The contest prize is a Romeo and Juliet poster. So now you know the detail, the rest is up to you. Send your entry along with your full name to and please title you meesage "contest". All entrys must be recived by Jan. 31, 1998.

Ofcorse, there are some rules. First off, All entrys musy include your full name so I know who you are. You can enter as often as you want but each entry must be seperate. All entrys must be recived by Jan. 31, 1998. Any date after that and they will not be excepted. Also, you don't have to send me your home address right away, but should you win I will be e-mailing you and asking you for it so I can send you your prize. If you do win you will be notified no latter than Febuary 12, 1998. Thanks and best of skill!

One last thing, if you want to now who won the contest, you can check here any time after Febuary 13 :-)


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