Purity Control

     This page has a collection of odds and ends on it that are not related to each other in any way, that failed purity concrol, so to speak :) Anyways, it only has three things on it right now, an Episode Guide, a list of Upcoming Episodes, and a page of X-Files Gossip and News. I'll be adding new things as I think of them, so keep your eyes peeled for new things to come, or, if you have any ideas about what I can add to this page, please send them to me.
  • X-Files Episode Guide-An easy-to-read guide for the first four seasons.


  • Upcoming Episodes-A look at what episodes are airing soon.


  • X-Files News and Gossip-Any recent X-Files news and/or gossip.


    Pictures | Sounds | Movies | Links | Fan Fiction
    Poems | Summaries and Reviews | Games | Purity Control
    Please note that all images on this page belong to Twentienth Century Fox, Inc, and are TM and © Twentieth Century Fox. No Copyright infringement is intended, and I am in no way profiting from the use of them.

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