My Keanu screensavers

At long last! Keanu Screensavers are HERE!!!!! We've all wanted Keanu Screensavers, searched the net looking for them and never had any luck, at least not until now. These are my first humble attempts at doing Keanu Screensavers, so please be kind when viewing them.

If you like them, download them for your own personal use and enjoy! If you don't like them, e-mail me, Cloudwalker and let me know what you'd like to see. I do have some requests that I am working on, so please be patient. I will get to them all eventually. I am interested in hearing what you'd like so don't be afraid to e-mail me and let me know. The pic I used for this screensaver is a black and white pic of Keanu wearing jeans and nothing else, so what you see is Keanu's sexy midsection bouncing ALL over your screen. *S*