The Zeta Omicron Chapter is leading an effort to protest the 7% budget crunch that is affecting us all... (read more about it)


Navarro College PTK officers/members, if you would like to include your email address in the contact page, please contact the Webmaster.

We have also established a new URL from TXPTK.ORG! ! We are now proud to present our new additional address at:

Temporary back-up address:

Events Posted at

March 10, 2003:
Service Program photos due to Jennifer Stanford

March 14, 2003:
Convention Registrations of $200.00 due at Headquarters

After March 14, 2003:
On-site Convention Registrations of $225 accepted after this date

March 17, 2003:
Convention Hotels Reservation Deadline

April 3-5, 2003:
85th International Convention
Hilton Anaheim and Coast Anaheim Hotel
Anaheim, California

May 1, 2003:
Leaders of Promise Applications due at Headquarters

May 29 - June 1, 2003
Leadership Certification Seminar
Baltimore, Maryland

June 9-15, 2003:
36th International Honors Institute
The Catholic University of America
Washington, D.C.

June 26 - June 29, 2003
Leadership Certification Seminar
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota

Events Posted at

Thursday, August 1, 2002 - Tuesday, April 1, 2003
The Lone Star Sprint
The Alpha Omicron Chapter of Tyler Junior College has issued a health challenge to its chapter members, to its campus, to local public and private schools, and to other Phi Theta Kappa chapters to walk, run, bike, or swim 1824.38 miles between August 1, 2002 and April 1, 2003. This mileage represents the distance from Phi Theta Kappa's International Headquarters in Jackson, MS to Anaheim, CA, the site of the 2003 International Convention. Participants can report their miles for the Lone Star Sprint on the Alpha Omicron website (

For comments, supports, and information, please email the webmaster. Thank you.