How NuggeT formed:

It all started on another Friday night, after a hard week in school. This night was another school dance night. As the great number of youth poured into the gym to dance to Jamacian Techno Music, the lusty stench hit the air. Then there were these two kids, Brian Fisher, and I, Jared Emershaw. They had been friends for quite a while and were in need of some other way to spend their Friday nights, instead of this hornball get-to-gether. They looked into each others' eyes, and both said "Let's start up a band!" (of course Jared folloed that statement by shouting "JINX!") So they walked around the dance trying to find 2 kids in the crowd, onoe who would play bass guitar, and a lead guitarist, since Jared isn't too great at guitar. Brian and Jared pushed through the hoodlums...searching....searching, and searching. At last, Brians brain sparked, and he said, "hey! my neighbor Caiti plays bass!" We both knew Caiti well, Brian had grown up best friends with her, pushed her into Kiddy-swimming-pools years back. So now we had a bass guitarist, who could sing, a drummer who just flat out rocks, and a guitarists who is decent, and was unsure of his singing abillities. Now, we needed a lead guitarist, and if he could sing, that would be even better. Brian suggested "matt Villano." I had never talked to him, although i knew who he was. Actually I guess i alway thought he was an albino mute, only to become good friends with him.(he's still an albino mute tho) So we asked Matt if he would play, and sure enough he thought it was a great idea. So one weekend, and a loop-hole in Caiti's schedule, we had a pratcice. Matt busted out a urine colored electric Fender guitar, I had my left handed Aria pro-2 fullerton electric guitar, and Caiti had a really cool Fender bass guitar, and Brian had this drum set with all these drums attached to it! The band decided they would need a name. After some controversy, the name was final, "The Jackson 4 1/2". So they decided to start writing songs. The 1st song ever created by The jackson 4 1/2 was a very simple high pitched/ muted chord song, later called "I,I,I." But unfortanutly, Caiti had a busy schedule ahead for the next month or 2, and also the band and her had some disagreements, so she decided to resign, leaving 3 guys, in search of another bassist, who are hard to come by. Then we remebered that this kid, also in our grade, played bass. His name was Eric.(Kate, you were the runner-up bassist for the job!!!) He showed up next practice with a shiny red Fender bass, with a white pic-guard. So the band started to play "I,I,I" and Eric wrote a new bass line for it, under a new band name, NuGGeT. Then in the next several weeks more songs were created. About 2.5 months later the band had 4 songs. "I,I,I" , "Ponder" , "6:44 forever" , and "school" <--played to the tune of "murder the government" by NOFX. So with 4 songs, they felt pretty accomplished. They were aware of a school concert comming up, that every kid dreams of playing in. They were invited to open up for this concert, but Jared wasn't sure if they were ready for it. But after intense pratcticing they took up on the offer. The day had arrived, the Lehigh Valley alternative rock band put on their Thrift shop get-ups on, and marched over to the school. (Mrs Fisher took us) So when the time came, we went up and played to an un-filled crowd. I have to say we got more praise than I thought we would. The crowd sorts stood there staring at us, actually, most of them didn't even look at us! They sorta listened, and decided that the music wasn't played on Mtv, so it was lame. But all-in-all, we got some experience playing to crowds, and our friends smiled and said we were cool. Now Nugget is working on creating more songs. Now you know how it all happened!

© 1997

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