Hi, here is some info about my friends ...

Hi, here is some info about my friends ...

Unlike some others I have friends:

JAMES MORRIS: This is a strange person. He is the only rock-stupid genius I've ever met. One minute he's explaining the basis for Einstien's research in astrophysics and the next minute he's lighting his room ablase because he wanted to make a puppet. James is a great kid and a very good friend. He drives me to school because my car went to car heaven and in return I do nothing, yet he hasn't attempted to kill me yet so he's okay. He is the only person I know that has gone through three perfectly good cars in two years. We expect his latest car to die any day now.

MARK DORGAN: This is another friend who is a little ... different. He likes Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger (MMPR) and Gargoyles and wishes to one day marry the one known as Amy Jo Johnson. He is one of the coolest people you have never met. He works with the most stunningly beautiful girls ever created and hates his boss. He likes to draw and well he should for he is a great artist. His favorite things to draw are beasts from Hell and the such. His religion teacher says he should draw for children's books. Mr. Peter Rogers is not all there if you get what I'm saying.

ANTHONY a.k.a. "NO FEAR": I would tell you his last name but he likes to think he's a hacker (but he's not) and he likes to think he's a vampire (but he's not). By leaving out his last name no one can find him, or something. He's going out with, or rather, THINKS he's going out with a girl named Megan (whose last name I leave out so I don't get sued) even though she has to gasp between the throws of passion from someone else just to tell No Fear to go away. "Ohhhhhhh ..... ohhhhhhh ........ I like that ......harder ...... FASTER ...... oh hold on ..... Anothony go away!!!" "But we're still going out right?" "Just leave Anthony." I poke fun at Anthony mostly because he doesn't hate grape juice. In fact he says he likes the stuff. Can you imagine? He lives in a portion of the United States that broke from the union due to a loop hole in the Treaty of Paris. They emulate the Netherlands, right down to the crappy security gaurds. Anthony is a year younger than my other friends and therefore sucks. His mother is Courtney Love and his father is the bad ass Batman from those dirty DC comic books.

MATT LIBBY: I think I just misspelled his name but who cares? This is one of the funniest bastards on the planet. He likes cars, computers, and a good porn movie. HE DOES NOT RAPE SIX YEAR OLDS, that is someone else. He has a crush on a young lady named Katie, but don't tell anyone because that is supposed to be a secreat, okay?

JOHN FOLLETT: This boy is only two months older that me and is a year ahead in school because of the registation date for Kindergarden, is that fair? He goes to U Mass Dartmouth where he is failing Biology, his intended major. He likes porn and cheeze (don't we all?). He enjys the fact that the internet gives him free porn but says he finds no chalenge in it any more. There are many young ladies at his school that he would like to got out with but alas his tounge is tied. Poor stupid bastard. So if any girls at U Mass. Dartmouth would like to go out with a REALLY NICE GUY e-mail John Follett by clicking his name. Thank you.

TOM WATSON: If you were to tell me that you don't know T. Watson then I would tell you that you are a luckier man than me. He sits with us at lunch at school and we don't like him. Here is a sound of James Morris asking Mark Dorgan about T. Watson.

These pages belong to people that are not me:

Go back to my Crappy Homepage (okay, I guess this one belongs to me)
Heard enough about James and now you want to see what he has to say? Click here.
This link brings you to the only other person in my family that doesn't fear computers, John Follett, my cousin.
Mark Dorgan is the coolest person you have never met. Go here and see why.
Since I go to school here I have friends here. You can't see them but this is where they go to school too.

Because freedom is not an option.

Email: fa_fa@msn.com