I’m off to DreamHost!
Just a quick note to all who have written me asking about the status of this site, and the Dark Angel site...
Sorry it's taking so long, but things are really crazy right now.
Keep checking back, it Will happen!

Well, folks, I guess the time has finally come to end this website...
In the near future, I'm going to upload my entire Phoebe Cates picture colection, and that will be the end of the updates.
I'll do this as soon as I can--I have a friend with a DSL connection, so the upload will be nearly painless :-)
It's been fun, and I Really appreciate everyone that visited, and especially the ones that took the time to write to me and make some nice comments on the site.
I am currently working on a Jessica Alba (star of the new FOX show Dark Angel) site, so you definately haven't seen the last of me yet! (More on this later--I'll put a link here to the site when it's done.)
Thank you,

This effort is my tribute to Phoebe and my contribution to her fans...

According to the ol' Counter on the wall, it looks like you're Visitor Number
To Wiseguy's PHOEBE CATES World!

Here you'll find some of the very best pictures of who I consider to be the most beautiful girl in the world,
If you don't know who Phoebe is, Shame on you! She's one very talented actress and model who's appeared in some block buster movies since the early 80's. Here's a partial list of her credits...
She's been featured on the cover of too many magazines to mention, and has enjoyed popularity not only here in the U.S., but across Europe and even in Japan (She has many fans in Japan!)

The format of the gallery is thus:
  • There will be 10 pictures at a time in the gallery.
  • The pictures will change every THREE days.
  • The "PIC O' THE DAY" will change sometime around 2:00am each night (my time).
  • With over 400 pictures in my collection, the gallery will "roll over" about every 3 months

99% of the pictures here were gathered from the collection of John Morris, located in his most excellent
Phoebe Cates Web Paradise
Please visit his site today!
Note: The U.S. site is down at the moment - this will take you to the Hungary mirror site...
(Note 2: Apparently the Hungary site is down, too--Sorry.)

Please give me some feedback on this site---whether you like it or not---I'd really like to know! It'll only take a second!

Help find a missing child!
Call 1-800-THE-LOST if you've seen any of these children
We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
PLEASE Click HERE to see if you recognize any of these children

Questions? Comments? Rants? Raves?

==> <==
(Remove the "< nospam >" from the address to mail me.)

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