I'm adding this page in order to post some of the responses I have received via e-mail regarding my screenplay. I have edited some of them for clarity and for space concerns. Send in your opinion and maybe I'll put it up!
YES! I have been reading and let me tell you---I love it! This is like watching a new Halloween
movie! I've never read a script before and I'm so impressed by your work and your writing. I was
relaxing on the bed this afternoon and I had a terrible headache, but I was reading and reading. I'll
finish it tomorrow, no doubt. I can't believe how talented you are. I mean, geez!! This is really cool!
I like the
realism--blood on the walls!! I guess everything has to be told exactly how it is to be filmed. I can
picture it! Honestly, I can. That is great, because I love your descriptions.
Hey Justin, sorry to say that I've never seen any of the Halloween movies but I really liked what I
read of your script. It was really descriptive and I think you have alot of talent.
I read it all and I must say, it
was very good. The characters were well developed (and well killed off,
too). I enjoyed reading through it and thought it was very well-written.
Great writing....I really like it. Keep up the great work. You have talent.
I think it is marvelous, It's great i loved reading it.
That was one kick ass script!You should do everything you can to get it
read by the right people.That would be an awesome ending to the
Halloween series.
Man, what a great script! Pretty good. Michael is definitely dead
after that. Great Job.
That was an awesome script!!! I hope they use it!!
All I can say is: Great! Out of all the screenplays I have read, this one
was the best. I thought it was both unique and traditional, in the sense of
the first Halloween. Kristen's death scene was also well done. Usually,
victims die immediately, but I thought that scene in particular was very well
done. I thought I was reading the authentic screenplay. The ending was
great too, much better than the Halloween 6 ending. The directors would be
very intelligent to consider using this idea. Just think of this on the big
screen. I would be terrified to watch this version. Just one thing: How
many times is Tommy Doyle going to beat up Michael? haha. Once again, great
job, I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks.
That was a great screenplay that you wrote. Honest to God! I can't
believe the detail, dialogue, and suspense you put into it. It was truely
a awesome piece of work. You should be very proud of yourself. I do not
know any Halloween fan that would not love it. It has all the pieces that
made the original a classic. Suspense, terror, good dialogue, etc. All
in all, it was as good as the first film, and maybe better than part II.
It is extremely better than the last three. Your story had me reading each and every line. I was getting
nervous as I read it. The suspense and characters were quite believeable,
and not something far-fetched like parts V, and VI. I also love the
reference to the Thorn.
I thought your script was excellent. It was in so much
detail I got vivid pictures in my mind of each scene. You have a great
imagination. I bet it took along time to put this whole thing together.
It definitely shows that you worked really hard on it. You are going to go
places someday with your writing. Goodluck in your future endeavers. Watch
out for the bogeyman! Happy Halloween!
This is a great script. The dialogue flows smoothly and doesn't break. It
is a great story line and I couldn't break away from the computer. When I
was reading it I was alone and the part where he is in Tommy's house had me
looking behind my back. This is a true Halloween. I would stoke to see
this on the big screen. It just gets down to basics and lets the suspense
do the work. Great job and I hope it works out with Akkad.
I just read your script and I think it's great. It's well written and
very descriptive. Your script is very good and I wanted to wish you
luck. Miramax and the Akkads would be fools not to at least consider
your script.
I went to your website and I discovered your script. I LOVE IT TO
DEATH! I know that if people heard me say what I'm about to say,loads of
fans would agree (hopefully): Your script is undoubtedly
one of the best horror scripts ever written and I think that it is just
as every bit as good as H1! I'm an actor and I've had film acting
experience, I read your script and I think it is terrific, I think that
your script should be chosen as the one for the film, it sent chills
down my spine from just reading it!
Your screenplay was excellent. It scared me reading it almost as much as
HALLOWEEN scared me the first time I watched it. I read another screenplay
yesterday on another web page and even though it was not done yet it did
not send chills down my spine like yours did. If I was a Hollywood filmmaker, I would use this screenplay. It captures the thrills of HALLOWEEN
and the gory thrills of HALLOWEEN 2 & 4. Awesome job.
One word, AWESOME!
I just sat down and read your screenplay from
start to finish. I think you hit the nail on the head. Your story
captured many of the Akaad, Carpenter, and Hill
themes/horror/suspense, that I 'so dearly' miss.
Your character's were VERY realistic and "right
on the money"....everything 'flowed' brilliantly.
I have been a HALLOWEEN fan since the first night "he came home". (1978) I feel H1 & H2 are the BEST horror movies of all time! I am now 29 years old, and still think about Michael Myers at the end of every October. He is my symbol of "true" evil...and I must say, you have captured it completely. John Carpenter/Akaad should be proud to use your story.
I espescially like the "beating" that Tommy put on Michael...a 'whack' for Jamie, Loomis, Kristen, and 20 years of nightmares. Too Cool! The 'whack' for Loomis actually made me want to get up and scream..."ohh yyeeeeaaahhhh!!!".
Another good part of the screenplay is when Danny looks out the window..sees the shape?...That whole sequence made me say "dejavu"? (H1) As Danny went down the stairs to investigate, then race back up with what he believed was the shape on his heels... had me pretty nervous and on the end of my seat!
You have successfully brought back what Halloween parts 1 & 2 had lost with the 'more recent' sequels. What you did with the 'foster parents' explanation is outstanding. I mean, how more to the 'point' can you get than a butcher knife sticking through the adoption credentials...and the explanation of what the THORN group had done with Michael and Jamie during the years they were missing. You seemed to take the confusing sequels (afterH4)...and splice them very nicely to an appropriate ending. 1998 is the 20th anniversary for Mike....He deserves an ending like this!
I really hope something happens with this story....maybe the big screen? It sure deserves it! If anything, accept my appreciation for it. I really enjoyed it.
Amazing! You alone have managed to capture, in your screenplay, the very
essence of 'Halloween', a feat the writers and filmmakers of both H5 and H6
could not successfully tackle. Given the characters and loose ends you've
been forced to deal with, this screenplay is wonderful. Finally, the
viewers(readers) have not been subjected to annoyingly stupid characters
and plot deviations. While reading your screenplay, I couldn't help but
visualize every scene, thanks to your descriptive clarity. You have
presented us with a group of characters that that we want to, and do, care
about. This story is a true homecoming for 'Halloween.' It is very
suspenseful, contains well-developed characters and situations, and has an
ending worthy of bringing the entire series to a close. It is my sincere
hope that this screenplay is, at the very least, considered for transfer to
the screen. Thank you for bringing back dignity to what started out to be,
and could have been, the greatest series of horror films ever made.
Very good. Definitely worth looking into as a possible script. I feel
there should be one more movie in the Halloween saga. Something close
to the original movie. A movie that will do justice to the series. I
agree with you in that the first Halloween movie is the best horror
movie ever. The character of Michael Myers is the original and scariest
of the pyscho on the loose characters. I was seven yrs. old when the
first Halloween movie came out. I didn't see it when I was that young,
that was a couple of yrs. later. I've been a fan ever since. Well
anyway, good luck with the script, it's very good and I hope somebody in
the business gets a look at it. Maybe we'll be seeing your name up on
the big screen soon.