Jokes From Other People #2

Jokes From Other People

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The jokes contained on this page do not reflect the views of the creator of The Jokes Homepage nor are they intended to degrade other people. They are merely jokes intended for entertainment not to bash blondes, lawyers, nor people of different race or gender. If you believe these jokes to be offensives, leave this site, do not email me complaining. I don't hate anyone or group of people mentioned in these jokes. I only posted these jokes as a collection for others who can take these jokes lightheartedly.

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What's the difference between a blonde and a brick?
A brick won't follow you around two weeks after you have laid it.
Submitted by: Jose Canuc
Why do blondes wear hoop earings?
So they have somewhere to put thier ankles.

Yo mama's so nasty, she has more fleas than a dog pound
Submitted by: Stacey

Why did the blonde cry when she got her driver's license?
They gave her an "F" for sex.
Submitted by: Dave
Why did the dairy queen get pregenant?
Because the burger king forgot to wrap his whopper!
Submitted by: Zeke and Mavis Bratwurst
Why do blondes wear ponytails?
To hide the air valve.

What do blondes and computers have in common?
You never really appreciate either until they go down on you.

What do you call 10 blondes at the bottom of a pole?
An air bubble.

What do blondes and screen doors have in common?
The more you bang them the looser they get.

What does a blonde say in the morning?
Who are you guys anyway?

What does a blonde do in the morning?
Get up and go home.

Submitted by: Y. C.

Yo mama's so poor, someone flicked a cigarette outof their window and your mama yells "CLAP YOR HANDS STOMP YOUR FEET THANK THE LORD THAT WE GOT HEAT!"
Submitted by: Taisha Perry
Yo mama's so greasy she slid into second base and ended up in New Jeresy
Submitted by:Lane Heaton
Your mama is so ugly her rice crispies won't talk to her
Your mama is so ugly Dairy Queen doesn't treat her right
Submitted by: Adam
Yo mama's so..
stupid,she tripped over a wireless phone
stupid,she got run over by a parked car
fat,when she goes swimming,the tide comes in
fat,she can't swim out too far or else she will get harpooned
Submitted by: Zack
Your mama's so fat, when she dances she makes the band skip
Submitted by: Jeff Porter
You might be a redneck if your mom doesn't take the cigarette out of her mouth before telling the cop to kiss her butt
Submitted by: V.F. Duffey
Yo mama's so fat she uses the golden gate for a water slide
Submitted by: Unknown
Yo mama's:
so stupid she went to the library to get a book of matches
so stupid she sat on the TV and watched the couch
so fat Your dad rolled over twice and he was still on her
so fat she makes a solar eclipse

If slutiness was measured in blades of grass, yo mama would be the white house lawn

You might be a redneck if:
you stare at a can of orange juice because it says concentrate
you've been married 3 times and still have the same in-laws
you have a waffle house credit card
Submitted by: Anthony

Yo mama's glasses are so thick that when she looks at a map, she can see people waving
Submitted by: Paul Marina
Yo momma's so dumb she thought that Wisky Willies was a strip bar!!!

How can you tell when a Blondie has used a computer??
All the whiteout marks on the screen!!

Why didn't the chicken cross the road?
It got run over by a truck before it got to the other side
Submitted by: Morgul

Q:What do you call a dog with steel balls and short legs

Q:What do you do with a dog that has no legs
A:Take him for a drag

Q:What has 2 legs and bleeds
A:Half a dog
Submitted by: FuXuP

Yo mama's so hairy that whenever she goes outside the neighbors yell, "chi...chi...chi...chia!"
Submitted by: Smitty
Yo mama's legs are like a 7 11 open 24 hours a day.
Submitted by: Brenda
Yo mama's so fat she saw 90210 and realized it was the scale
Submitted by: Unknown
Q:What's the last thing they give to Tickle-Me-Elmo before he leaves the factory?
A:Two test-tickles
Submitted by: Unknown
Yo mama is so fat, she plays basketball with Jupiter
Yo mama is so fat, she plays pool with the planets
Yo mama is so fat, the DOT made her wear caution lights while walking outside
Yo mama is so stupid, she thought a quarterback was a refund
Submitted by: Unknown
What does a whale do when it attacks a submarine.
Bites off the top and sucks out all the seamen.
Submitted by: Unknown
Yo Momma so fat when she goes out in a red dress all the kids yell "HEY KOOL-AID!"
Yo momma so poor she goes to KFC and licks other peoples fingers
Yo momma's rollerblades say RTD
Yo momma so fat when your daddy carried her over the threshhold he had to make two trips
Yo momma so fat when she goes to the sizzler she gets the group discount
Yo momma so fat when she hula hoops she gets mistaken for Saturn
Yo momma so fat she doesn't move she orbits
Submitted by: Unknown

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