BRAINAHOLICS NON-ANON Geniuses For The First Puzzler People on both pages are marked with *s.

Genius Page for the second puzzle.

# 1 Tricia ( she e-mailed me through Senfic before I even got it through Senfic myself!!!)

# 2 Katie (She wasn't far behind her!)

#3 D'Ree

#4 Blair Kennedy

#5 Kim Cooper

#6 Jae Lawree King

#7 Jencie

#8 wnnepooh

#9 Susan*

#10 Carla

#11 Karen

#12 Cynthia Selene-- A true genius :-)

#13 Beth

#14 Mid12nt

#15 D.C. Witherspoon

#16 JulieBug

#17 KoKo- I swear I didn't tell her the answer!

#18 Kelly Hudson

#19 Cathy Schultz (I'm writing, I'm writing!)

# 20 Jo

# 21 Final Flash*

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